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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 14 closely related terms such as council building, council buildings, and council activities.

1 result

Wolverhampton City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… tCO2 Waste: 21 tCO2 Industry: 25 tCO2 Trees: -5 tCO2 City total: 1,284,000 tCO2 Breakdown of the city’s carbon footprint Council Domestic buildings Other buildings Planes Motor Vehicles Rail Waste Industry Our commitments Our Climate Commitment 13 All actions that the council is undertaking, following the declaration of a Climate Emergency, fall into three…

… people to innovate • Our Climate Commitment Our Climate Emergency Declaration Our Climate Emergency Declaration pledged to: Make all council activities net carbon zero by 2028 Ensure all strategic decisions and budgets are in line with shift to net carbon zero Ensure robust governance is in place to embed and champion Climate Change across the council Appoint…

…. Achievements include: 2012 2012 2011 6 Mega Watts of Solar Panels built into the i54 plant 2015 Our Sustainable Journey Asset rationalisation undertaken across council estate 2012 2012-13 Council launches Sustainability Strategy and Implementation Plan with carbon footprint of 28,500 16,000 tCO2 Our Climate Commitment Climate change actions embedded into all council

… leadership teams 24 km of new or improved cycle path delivered Lowest absolute emissions of CO2 among Black Country Local Authorities 2018-19 (WMCA Sustainability) 6 electric vehicle charging points have been installed with more planned early 2020 Member Champion for Climate Change appointed All council buildings and street lighting within the city powered by renewable electricity To ta l C O…

… to reach net carbon zero. Together, working as a city, we will be able to reach this target and make Wolverhampton a greener city. Breakdown of the city’s carbon footprint City total (total 1,284,000 tCO2) Council: 16 tCO2 Domestic buildings (electricity and heating): 451 tCO2 Other buildings (electricity and heating): 381 tCO2 Motor Vehicles: 254 tCO2 Planes (residents flying): 137 tCO2 Rail: 4…


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