Including 13 closely related terms such as public buildings, council housing, and building.
… Reduce energy losses by retro-fit technologies and use of more energy efficient building fabric Examine installation of low emission heating for key public buildings e.g. heat pumps; heat network Convert rural pathways lighting columns and other public spaces to LED e.g. car parks Identify suitable locations for solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on council owned buildings Transport…
…. To meet the net zero carbon target of 2030 for Warwick District, it will require a strategic director with the responsibility to engage and build cooperation with local organisations and businesses, and lead a Climate Emergency Action Team. 17. Adopting a sustainable procurement strategy will be essential to ensure that the Council’s projects and contracts align closely with the carbon…
… reduction measures e.g. public buildings; car parks Review sub-metering installations as part of an improved energy monitoring strategy Source 100 per cent of all electricity purchased by the Council via a ‘green tariff’ Expand the energy awareness campaign amongst council staff and contractors to reduce energy use Consider voltage optimization technology to reduce energy consumption…
… Climate Emergency Action Programme ~ Executive Summary FINAL ~ 31.1.2020 9 All new council housing to be built to the highest energy standards (EPC ‘A’ or ‘B’) Consider the installation of solar PV on council owned homes following a roof and energy usage survey Complete a Fuel Poverty Action Plan; identify the measures that might alleviate fuel poverty by 2030 Manage Energy…
… management plan and contribute to CO2e reduction targets. A formal review of the current strategy, policies and processes would support carbon monitoring and performance across the Council’s activities. Financing carbon reduction measures 18. Implementing carbon reduction actions and measures will have a significant cost as well as many benefits (social, economic, environmental). Sourcing…