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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 22 closely related terms such as council building, council buildings, and council use.

1 result

Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… are derived from data made available in 2019, the year of BCP Council formation. Table 1 below contains the total carbon dioxide emissions for the Council and administrative area. Table 1 Carbon Dioxide Emissions Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 Total BCP Council area (tonnes CO2e) 2017 data, produced 2019 1,027,343 530,004 385,984 1,943,331 BCP Council operations (tonnes CO2e) 2018/19…

… elsewhere from Council activities) 1,027,343 530,004 385,984 Fig.2. BCP Council Area: Total 2017 Area-Wide Emissions (tCO2e) by scope Scope 1 (gas/fuel use) Scope 2 (electricity use) Scope 3 (emissions elsewhere from activities within the BCP Council boundary) 5 climate change, while the annual cost of offsetting increases, placing further pressure on finances. It is intended…

… in July 2019, the Council took the decision to purchase renewable electricity for its buildings, operations and streetlights. Existing contracts allowed 82% of electricity for Council use to be renewable from 1 October 2019, with the remaining 18% becoming renewable from 1 April 2020. This will reduce the Council’s scope 2 emissions dramatically from that time. Whilst at the same time we…

… electricity from zero-carbon renewable sources  Assess the energy efficiency of Council buildingsReview energy project funding options  Install energy saving measures in retained Council buildings  Install renewable energy measures in retained Council buildings BCP Council will work with Partners to:  Continue the Local Energy Action Partnership scheme to help residents save energy…

… a Sustainability Strategy for Housing including improving energy efficiency of the Council’s new build programme and considerations for retrofitting existing stock  Seek to influence the house building sector on sustainability and input to the Local Plan on future new build standards  Seek to influence landlords on the sustainability of existing stock  Enforce Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards…


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