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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 13 closely related terms such as council manage, council housing, and buildings.

1 result

South Lanarkshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… in legislation. The outcomes and intentions as at Appendix 3 provides the framework to develop an annual action plan which will include specific Service actions and projects to meet the outcomes in each theme. The action plan will be made available on the council’s website and details of monitoring and reporting on the action plan is detailed in Chapter 6 (page 46). Su st ai na bl e C om m un…

… of everyone in South Lanarkshire’ remains at the heart of the Council Plan (Connect) and, along with our values, ambitions and objectives, influences everything that we do. Although all of Connect’s objectives are relevant to sustainable development, several are of particular importance to this Strategy. Connect Objectives Key Outcomes for Sustainable Development Improve the availability, quality…

… and access of housing • Council housing stock meets the energy efficiency standard by 2020 and the impact of fuel poverty and climate change on people is minimised Improve the road network, influence improvements in public transport and encourage active travel • South Lanarkshire’s road and public transport network enables the flow of people, goods, and services thereby supporting the local…

… policies, plans and strategies Procurement Reform Bill • Comply with the new sustainable procurement duty What has been achieved so far? Highlights from the previous strategy Our Carbon Footprint The council’s carbon footprint comprises of energy use from our buildings, household waste to landfill, energy used for street lighting, fuel consumption used in our fleet and business travel…

… methods of communication. We have provided opportunities for staff to take part in national campaigns such as Earth Hour, Recycling Week, Home Energy Scotland and Paths for All Step Challenge. The council’s environmental campaigning work led to an Earth Hour runner up award from the World Wide Fund for Nature in 2013. The council managed to secure external funding to promote sustainable travel…


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