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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 11 closely related terms such as council housing, building, and buildings.

1 result

Perth and Kinross Council

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… activities that the Council has been engaged in, over a period of years, to reduce emissions. Some headlines include: - ✓ We have reduced the total energy consumption from our buildings by 17% from 2012 levels, despite increasing the number of operational Council buildings. ✓ We have improved the energy performance of our Council Housing stock from 73% in 2015 to 82% in 2019 (Energy…

… aim of the project is to develop a sustainable system that can be used to power buildings in the Council's estate and reduce ongoing energy costs and existing carbon footprint as part of a ‘Perth Smart Energy Network’. Although this project’s scope and primary aims are to service the Council's estate, there are a number of other potential exciting future possibilities such as giving…

…, and this interim report sets out our next steps, outlining the initial route map to take us to a net zero carbon and climate resilient Perth & Kinross. This report builds on the substantial work that the Council and its partners have already taken to address the climate challenge. However, we recognise the scale of this challenge, if we are to achieve the significant societal and technological shifts…

… in Perth & Kinross. Most of the emissions come from the way we all produce and consume energy - from heating our buildings, driving our cars, buying consumer goods, and disposing our waste - so we all have a part to play. Therefore, the Council will use its community leadership and influencing role to work with other public agencies, businesses, communities and citizens to develop a shared…

… than 1% will be in extreme fuel poverty by 2040. v) Perth & Kinross Council The need to address climate change is already embedded in many Council plans and strategies. Our main strategic documents - the Community Plan, the Corporate Plan and our Local Development Plan - all set out our aspirations to address climate change by reducing our emissions and by making our area more resilient…


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