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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 17 closely related terms such as council building, council buildings, and council operations.

1 result

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

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… of the contracts for cleaning municipal buildings. We will eliminate single use plastics from all Richmond Council sites and achieve single use plastic free accreditation by 2022, delivering on the motion passed by Richmond Council to remove single use plastics from its operations. We will look at single use plastic in all Council operations and remove single use plastics from waste streams from…

…, carbon reduction and cost savings. These will be ‘ invest to save’ projects, and will use funding from the existing Climate Change Fund, the recently established Carbon Offset Fund and other sources such as Salix. We will ensure consistency in how we manage our buildings. All Council buildings will: • Have building specific energy plans and/or targets to ensure council owned buildings minimise…

municipal buildings and all buildings owned and managed by the Council. We will establish an officer working group to undertake an audit of the Council’s single use plastics items and packaging to establish baseline of single use plastics consumption and identify actions to take. We will take a 3 step approach: • Step 1. Prevention – We will reduce and eliminate single-use items through behaviour…

… change, with the risk of “tipping points” or points of no return, has begun to be more widely appreciated. A revision of the Council’s Climate Strategy of 2008 has been overdue for strengthening for some time and what follows is an attempt, with targets, to set out, what the Council plans to do and some of things residents can do both to reduce climate change impact and to mitigate its effect. We…

… but with drier long summers Severe heat waves can impact on vulnerable residents in particular, such as the very young, very old and those who are severely ill. There has been an increase in damage to council infrastructure caused by weather events (e.g. trees, roads, pathways) and an increasing propensity for insurance claims against the Council. Severe winter weather events could cause widespread…


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