Including 13 closely related terms such as council buildings, council building, and operational council buildings.
… of the project(s). This information will then enable suitable business cases to be created and results added to the council’s medium term financial strategy (MTFS). To tackle internal emissions we have chosen three priority areas as detailed below: 1. Operational council buildings 2. Owned Transport 3. Business Travel Priority Area 1: Operational Council Buildings Gas and electricity consumption…
… supplies. Action Plan: Incorporate energy efficient design in the council’s public building repairs and construction projects by aiming for Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) score of Outstanding in new public building construction projects, where practical to do so. We will also: • Reduce unnecessary energy consuming equipment • When necessary, purchase…
… only energy efficient equipment • Enhance buildings with the use of green energy technology • Comply with Building Regulations (noting the updated changes to Part L.) Increasing standards where practicable to do so. 13 Carbon Reduction Delivery Strategy 2020-2030 Continually improve energy efficiency and sustainable energy in the council’s existing public building estate by: • Actively…
… flexible working practices. 3.3. Other Contributions to Carbon Neutral Target Working Practices Although not always measurable in terms of CO2 emitted, it is essential to ensure that the council’s working practices help achieve positive outcomes across all three priorities. This can include how we select our suppliers, how staff and councillors use our buildings and deal with inefficiencies…
… emissions by implementing projects, which will reduce the amount of energy the Council’s buildings consume and encourages the residents and businesses of the Borough to be more energy efficient. A reduction of 62% carbon emissions on its own Council buildings from 2009/10 baseline Installed 8 solar array systems on various council buildings Installed evaporative cooling – saving energy…