Including 8 closely related terms such as building, buildings, and council.
… in these areas is necessary to bring about a successful and prosperous low carbon transition. A clear mitigation strategy for the council estate and operations is crucial part of this process - it helps to save money on energy, whilst also allowing Lincolnshire to lead by example in reducing the risk of dangerous climate change. Following on from two previously successful CMP's which resulted…
… raising and Carbon Champions. 12) Reduction of water usage. 1.4. This will assist the council to work as efficiently as possible across all its services, operations and buildings. Work on the above will help the council contribute to the following International, National and Local drivers: 1) The Paris Agreement. – The central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat…
… Sources 3.2 The scope of LCC's baseline emission calculations covers: street lighting, council buildings, maintained schools, fire stations, museums and direct and indirect vehicles fuel operations that support our services. Academy schools are not included because we have limited influence and control over schools not directly maintained by the council. Additionally libraries and waste…
… Sponsor and submitted to Environmental Programme Board, Economy and Environment ID Change Action Owner When complete 01 Annual CMP Report to Scrutiny Project Lead Annually LCC Carbon Management Plan Page | 27 Scrutiny Committee and Corporate Management Board and will be available on the council’s website. 5.27 The annual report will cover: Greenhouse gas emissions…
… Carbon Management Plan - Lincolnshire County Council LCC Carbon Management Plan Page | 2 Foreword from Cllr Eddy Poll Climate change is one of the most significant challenges facing mankind and carbon dioxide is one of the main contributing causes. We recognise the scale and speed of climate change…