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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 17 closely related terms such as council buildings, council building, and councils.

1 result

Wokingham Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Bank Project to support reducing energy use from domestic housing and encourage switch from gas to electricity • Create a programme for retrofitting and improve insulation of buildings • All corporate sites and council housing to become net zero carbon • Considerations to an Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme for the Authority. • Move away from ‘gas provision’ for all new build

… The council has sought to reduce the energy use of its own state over the years to become more efficient. Some of the highlights of this work include: • As of 2018, 25% of the energy purchased by the council is generated from renewable sources. • Installing solar panels on council buildings where possible. The council has 31 solar sites of varying scale; • Over 15 council sites have had minor…

…/greenhouse-gas Page | 5 The plan also aligns with the regional draft Berkshire Local Industrial Strategy (BLIS) and the Thames Valley Berkshire Local Economic Partnership Strategic Economy Plan. The Climate Emergency Plan aligns with the following priorities set out in the council plan • Clean and green spaces - Including becoming net zero carbon but also providing parks…

… includes the wider environmental priorities for Wokingham Borough including biodiversity and recycling. This strategy will be reviewed and updated over the coming year and further inform the Climate Emergency Plan. There is a clear link between the aims and objectives of the Climate Emergency Plan and other council plans and strategies. How these plans interrelate is set out below in Figure 1…

…. Figure 1. Climate Emergency Plan and its links to other Wokingham Borough Council Plans and Strategies Wokingham Borough Council Corporate Plan Wokingham Borough Council Sustainable Environment Strategy Other Council Strategies and Plans Waste Recycling Strategy Air Quality Action Plan Sustainable Local Transport Plan 4 Local Plan Update Biodiversity Action Plan Councils Risk…


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