Including 17 closely related terms such as council building, council buildings, and council use.
… for projects. Overview and Scrutiny Task & Finish Group for Climate Emergency In order to scrutinise the Action Plan, the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee established the Task and Finish Group at its meeting in February 2020. The Group has made 25 recommendations to help making it more robust, transparent and evidence based. The Council used this input as the basis for further work…
… Transport 2,725 1.4 10% From Active Transport 13,623 2 22% Reduction in Road Freight 2.1 Freight Management Policy 23,241 2.2 Cargo Bikes Included Subtotal 91,358 Renewable Energy Generation 3.1 Renewable energy generation via Solar farms 14,058 3.2 Renewable energy generation by households 27,333 Subtotal 41,391 Retrofitting 4.1 PassiveHaus Scheme 935 4.2 Council Housing…
… sustainability Neutral 8.4 Support low carbon and renewable energy generation Neutral 8.5 New buildings designed and built to be EV ready Neutral 8.6 Council new development to carbon neutral standards Neutral Subtotal Neutral Procurement 9.1 Achieve sustainable procurement practices Neutral 9.2 Include social value Neutral Subtotal Neutral Engagement 10 Raise awareness about climate…
… emergency Neutral Subtotal Neutral Council Specific Actions 11.1 Reduce council travel related emissions by 70% Included 11.2 Council fleet all EVs Included 11.3 Council buildings retrofitted 6,612 Subtotal 6,612 Wokingham Borough Council - Climate Emergency Action Plan - Working Document Page | 10 Transport Annual Carbon Savings: 91,358 tCO2e Being one of the key…
… constant energy usage for overall lower emissions from production. Despite covid and traditional car sales declining in the pandemic, EV sales have risen across the board. Borough wide strategy to specify the infrastructure for EV charging point to encourage the uptake of EVs. Map the existing EV chargers across the Borough and on council property. Obtain a baseline on current…