Including 10 closely related terms such as council operations, buildings, and building.
… • Monitoring 5 Link to be added when webpages go live. 4 To reflect the Council’s levels of influence across the Borough, the actions within each of the six key areas has been separated into two categories: 1. Council Operations: Actions that are directly within the scope of Surrey Heath Borough Council as an organisation (building and assets). 2. Wider Borough: Actions to support…
… Indirect Complete High E3 Change electricity supply to a 100% green energy tariff for Council owned and operated buildings. Consider options for offsetting gas usage in Council owned and operate buildings. Likely to require additional funding Direct Short term High E4 Continue and accelerate the rollout of LED lighting across the Council’s estate, including parks and open spaces, to reduce…
… the opportunities afforded to local authorities by working together on a national scale in the green energy agenda. 7 E7 Examine the viability of installing renewable energy onto Council owned buildings and land, such as solar panels, and identify buildings and/or land that is suitable for renewable energy installations. Likely to require additional funding Indirect Ongoing High Wider…
… the resilience of the council's estate and operations to climate change and set the standard for all sectors of our local community to reduce their carbon emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. 8. Support the development of the green economy, including sustainable farming and food production. The Action Plan draws directly on the Surrey Climate Change Strategy, available on Surrey…
…. Council Operations Energy Actions ID Action Resourcing Direct or indirect? Timescale Priority E1 Develop and implement an Energy Strategy for the Council do deliver Energy actions, working with partners including the Surrey Energy Partnership7 and Surrey Climate Commission. Within existing budgets Indirect Short term High E2 Become members of APSE Energy8. Within existing budgets…