Including 11 closely related terms such as council activities, building, and buildings.
… and greenhouse gas emissions in the council estate and council activities. Overall target To reduce greenhouse gas emissions 1 by 3 per cent per annum. Scope Emissions in scope for the Carbon Management Plan and target are from: ❚ energy consumption in buildings (including schools) ❚ electricity consumption in street lighting (including lighting for signs, bollards etc) ❚ fuel use in fleet…
… by the council. Consequently, they are not included within the scope of this Carbon Management Plan. Nonetheless, it is important that we build upon existing good practice to use our influence to reduce emissions from outsourced / procured products and services. Current situation Emissions from the council estate and operations arise from the sources shown in the diagram below: South…
… of the increased use of ICT and greater use of school facilities outside the traditional school day) partially offset by a 5.04 per cent decrease in other buildings and a 1.12 per cent decrease in street lighting. 3 The table below provides a breakdown of where GHG emissions from the council’s estate and activities…
… the council estate and sharing assets Implementation of the council’s accommodation Strategy and better services for older people programme In progress Due for completion 2014/15 Property services / CC&H Within existing resources Energy / emission savings in the region of 25% from non school buildings Make better use of space: ❚ Combine more uses within buildings to further…
… rationalise the estate ❚ Actively seek partners to share/lease surplus space Ongoing Identify further opportunities as part of the accommodation review Property services Within existing resources Not yet quantified Review options for inefficient corporate buildings that are beyond their life span, transfer of assets to the community and further consolidation of the council estate. No capital…