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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 10 closely related terms such as council buildings, council building, and building.

1 result

Borough of Broxbourne

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… 5 A sustainable Council Objective 1 Reduce the carbon footprint of Council buildings 6 Objective 2 Reduce the use of petrol and diesel by the Council and minimise emissions 7 Objective 3 Consider sustainability in use of materials and procurement decisions 8 A greener Broxbourne Objective 4 Take action to improve air quality 9 Objective 5 Protect and enhance…

… is committed to do all it reasonably can to safeguard their future and to protect the Borough’s attractive natural environment. The Council has already taken action. Over the last eight years the Council has reduced the carbon footprint of Council buildings by X%1 a year through energy-saving measures such as putting photovoltaic panels on roofs and installing a biomass boiler at Laura Trott Leisure…

… sustainable materials in building and seeks to minimise flood risk from new developments. However, the Council is determined to do even more to balance the needs of residents today with the consequences for future generations. Following a motion at Council making this commitment, the Council has created an Environmental Sustainability Panel, and has allocated a £50,000 annual budget…

… This priority concerns reduction of the Council’s own carbon footprint, and setting an example for others in the Borough. The objectives are: 1. Reduce the carbon footprint of Council buildings 2. Reduce the use of petrol and diesel by the Council and minimise emissions 3. Consider sustainability in use of materials and procurement decisions Objective 1: Reduce the carbon footprint of Council

buildings Task Responsibility Target Resourcing 1.1 Obtain expert audit of energy use and recommendations for improvement Head of Property By June 2020 Existing 1.2 Develop a programme of energy efficiency measures, which takes account of the recommendations from the audit and decisions about the long-term future of Council buildings. Head of Property Begin implementation in 2020/21…


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