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Search results for "council buildings"

Including 7 closely related terms such as building, buildings, and council.

1 result

Ashford Borough Council

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… Management Strategy 27 Objectives Broad Strategy Drainage Elements Surface Water Management Strategy 10. Water Quality 36 11. Ashford Borough Council SuDS Checklist 41 12. Conclusion 43 Appendix A - Draft Foul Drainage Design Appendix B - Draft Roof Soakaway Design Appendix C - Draft Permeable Paving Design Appendix D - Draft Road Soakaway…

… Design Appendix E - Surface Water Drainage Summary RMB Consultants (Civil Engineering) Ltd Former ADAS Site, Olantigh Road, Wye, Ashford, TN25 5EP Foul and Surface Water Management Strategy 3 1. Background and Introduction This Foul and Surface Water Management Strategy accompanies a planning application submitted to Ashford Borough Council. The planning application…

… site, formerly used as ADAS offices, covering 2.4ha, Figure 1. Figure 1. Site location plan. RMB Consultants (Civil Engineering) Ltd Former ADAS Site, Olantigh Road, Wye, Ashford, TN25 5EP Foul and Surface Water Management Strategy 5 Development Proposals A planning application is being made for the demolition of the existing buildings and the construction of 20…

… in a reduction in the quality or quantity of groundwater resources will not be permitted. The Council will support, in principle, infrastructure proposals designed to increase water supply and wastewater treatment capacity subject to there being no significant adverse environmental impacts and the minimisation of those that may remain. Where a site overlies a Groundwater Protection Zone…

… have been established for the operation and maintenance of the SuDS component for the lifetime of the development. Sustainable Drainage SPD Ashford Borough Council adopted its Sustainable Drainage Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) in October 2010. The key objectives of the SPD are: • To ensure all new developments are designed to reduce the risk of flooding, and maximise…


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