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Search results for "community transport"

Including the closely related terms transport people, transport people, and transport.

1 result

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of water and transport people and merchandise. Greenhouse gases are also released from ploughing the soil, from deforestation, waste disposal sites and belching livestock. From production to consumption, food is responsible for 30% of global emissions and has many negative environmental impacts, such as dependence on fossil fuels, loss of biodiversity and depletion of natural resources. The UK…

… from residual waste Travelling Lightly Reduce emissions from transport and increase active travel Capture more carbon Basis for change Work with landowners to plant more trees and protect and enhance natural carbon stores Work with residents and partners to raise awareness of and to take action to tackle climate change Identify a Climate Emergency Champion and provide regular reports…

…, in 2017, emitted 460 million tonnes of greenhouse gases from the sources shown3 . Emissions are down 43% on 1990 levels, mainly because the UK has swapped coal for renewable energy from sun and wind to generate electricity. Provisional figures for 2018 suggest the downward trend is continuing. Emissions from transport, however, continue to buck the trend, having risen 6% in the last three decades…

… have fallen as a result of the changes in how electricity is generated and because electrical equipment, homes and cars have become more energy efficient. In 2017, 624,000 tonnes of CO2 were emitted Blackburn with Darwen homes, road transport and industry and commerce. 2 NASA The Causes of Climate Change 3 Department for Business, Energy & industrial Strategy…

…. CLIMATE EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN | 7 THE MAIN GREENHOUSE GASES AND THEIR SOURCES The sector split in the borough is: Sector BwD UK Domestic 34% 27% Transport 26% 36% Industry & Commerce 41% 37% Households were responsible for one-quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions in the UK in 2017, an average of around 9 tonnes per household. Increasing car ownership and number of flights taken…


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