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Search results for "community transport"

Including 5 closely related terms such as public transport, transport infrastructure, and public transport.

1 result

Powys County Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. Affordable warmth including addressing fuel poverty, projects listed in buildings section of action plan Zero Interest Loans Fund for energy efficiency and renewable energy New Ways of Working, including remote working, avoiding travel time and cost Digital Inclusion so the shift to digital can be inclusive, including rural broadband Public transport and Active Travel improve mobility, health…

… Mobility and transport Areas of focus Benefits Work with Transport partners to improve transport infrastructure • Avoid and lower transport cost • Promote Healthier lifestyles and have healthier residents. • More energy efficient travel options • Increased electric charging points for all to use…

… • Saved transport time from remote working • Lower Pollution levels in built up areas Promote public transport Reduce the need for travel – opportunities for remote working Active travel options will allow residents to make more positive choices Provide opportunities for the electrification of transport (including school transport) A Strategy for Climate change- Net…

… and Transport - What more can we do? Areas to consider for our action plans Low-cost public transport to reduce car usage Promote the development of alternative fuels such as hydrogen Introduce small scale wind and solar generation to all Powys Carparks to subsidise the use of more charging points. Support the re-opening of railway lines Safer Cycling - Cycle lanes The creation of subsidised…

… carpools with up-to-date vehicles. Affordable and available public transport, rural areas are forced to rely on cars due to very limited public transport availability Reward and incentivise car and lift share; rationalise parking - do not insist on unnecessary parking spaces for new planning applications Increase access to footpaths by better signing Join up public transport- eg buses go…


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