Including the closely related terms public transport, public transport, and transport.
…-quality, low emission public transport system, reducing dependence on private transport Work in partnership with taxi and other private hire vehicle operators to reduce emissions where possible Promote sustainable and active travel in order to improve air quality and reduce carbon Page 24 | Environmental Sustainability & Carbon Reduction Strategy 2022-32 Housing Deliver…
… objectives we will need to work across some or all of the following areas of activity: Strategic aims to be addressed Net zero Natural Environment Resources & waste Adaptation to climate change Transport & travel Seek to decarbonise all or part of the Council’s transport fleet Work to reduce emissions from business mileage and staff travel to work Seek to further reduce…
… the environmental impact of highway infrastructure and operations, taking into account the potential impacts of climate change Support the development of Borough-wide network of electric vehicle charging points Further develop the Borough’s walking and cycling network, reducing dependence on private transport Work in partnership with TVCA and bus operators to support delivery of a high…
… of climate change from occurring. In order to meet its target to be ‘net zero’ by 2050 the UK will have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors including transport, energy supply, construction, residential, business, agriculture and waste. But as well as reducing emissions we should also increase the rate at which carbon dioxide is absorbed from the atmosphere. This can be achieved…
…. However, emissions from fleet transport remain particularly high and there is also still scope to achieve further significant reductions in emissions in other areas of operation too. 2010-11 2012-13 2015-16 2016-17 2018-19 2019-202011-12 2013-14 2014-15 2017-18 Figure 2: 2010 to 2020 emissions from Scope 1, 2 and 3 Council activity, in tonnes of CO2e Reductions in Council emissions have been…