Including 7 closely related terms such as transport use, public transport, and transport infrastructure.
… heating systems 2.4 Switch to more efficient appliances Engagement 1.1 Clear communication and information 1.2 Increase awareness and understanding 1.3 Build strong relationships and networks 1.4 Identify best practice Transport 3.1 Reduce overall travel miles 3.2 Increase uptake of active travel and public transport 3.3 Switch to electric vehicles 3.4 Reduce freight…
… of 261,000tCO2e a year. Of this, 88% of emissions come from car travel or public transport, with the remaining 12% from freight. Objectives 3.1 Travel shorter distances Reduce the overall distances travelled 3.2 Increase take-up of active travel Reduce overall car usage through alternative modes of transport, public transport and car sharing. 3.3 Switch to electric vehicles (EV…
…) Increase the share of vehicles on the road that are electric or hybrid 3.4 Reduce freight emissions Decrease the overall distance and fuel usage of freight vehicles 3.5 Futureproof infrastructure Ensure our transport infrastructure can withstand extreme weather events Where we are Where we need to be in 2030 In 2011, the average distance travelled to work in York was 9.8…
… miles.25 Over half travel less than 3 miles and two-thirds travel less than 6 miles. 25% reduction in the average number of passenger miles travelled per person In 2011, 54% of commutes to work were by car or van and 29% by active travel (walking and cycling).26 3% reduction in road transport use; 25% increase in bus use; 8% increase in rail transport 42% of York residents walk five…
…=rural_urban&cols=cell 27 28 29 2021 Figure 7: Proportion of emissions from transport https…