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Search results for "community transport"

Including the closely related terms transport use, transport, and transport use.

1 result

Thanet District Council

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… is called their carbon footprint. TDC’s carbon footprint is made up of: The gas and electricity use in offices and buildings Petrol/diesel use in our fleet Greenhouse gas emissions in our purchases and contracts. An individual’s carbon footprint can be divided up into: Home energy use (gas and electricity) Transport use (petrol/diesel/ also now electricity) Food eaten (impacts of meat and dairy…

… → methane) Things or services we buy (what was the greenhouse gas use in making a thing or providing you with a service?). See later sections for tips on reducing your carbon footprint. In the UK as a whole our carbon footprint is from residential and non residential buildings, power production, transport, land use and agriculture, industry and international aviation and shipping. Each sector…

… on the travel and transportation networks Plants and animal diseases. More information can be found on KCC Kent’s changing climate page Climate change will therefore affect our health, security and access to food and drinking water. We are running out of time before these changes become irreversible. We can still do something about it but we all have to start to act…

… agreed and includes policies which encourage sustainable transport, water efficiency, energy efficiency and renewable energy (including requirements for electric vehicle charging points). It also includes a new biodiversity net gain policy. We will update these in the Local Plan early review to further encourage increased use of renewable energy, water use efficiency and use of low carbon materials…

… in Thanet Environmental Protection This team successfully applied for sustainable transport funding from KCC to carry out a cycling and walking audit of Thanet. The roads that people use for work and school will be assessed and the data gathered will be used to facilitate further funding to improve the cycling and walking…


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