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Search results for "community transport"

Including 5 closely related terms such as public transport, transport infrastructure, and public transport.

1 result

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… the borough. Delivery of cycling and public transport infrastructure through delivery of the earlier part of the Transforming Cities programme, including public transport improvements in the Parkgate area due to commence in 2021. Together with the Active Travel Fund, this will deliver £12m worth of improvements for public transport, walking and cycling by March 2023. Cycling and active travel…

… for Council workforce using targeted packages in varying formats. Developing awareness training will require capacity. Potential support and resource-sharing is being discussed with University of Sheffield. Priority area Key progress 2020/21 Key actions 2021/22 Challenges / opportunities THEME: TRANSPORT Summary: This includes emissions from the Council’s fleet and from public and private

transport usage across the borough. Significant investment in public transport and cycling infrastructure is set to be delivered in 2021/22. Promote electric vehicle charging • Council-owned and operated electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in Rotherham saved 6.5t CO2 in 2020. Further expansion of electric vehicle infrastructure and support for uptake, including the development…

… have a limited capacity to reduce transport emissions: even if all car trips up to 2 miles were eliminated, it would save just less than 3% of car mileage. There are uncertainties as to the demand for public compared to private transport in post-Covid context. Priority area Key progress 2020/21 Key actions 2021/22 Challenges / opportunities Fleet transport • A fleet replacement…

… baseline data i.e. on emissions in areas such as transport and housing. Building baseline data will support the Council’s evidence base to identify and act on environmental strategic priorities. Understanding and using emission data can be highly specialised; developing this expertise is difficult with existing capacity and may require additional resources. ROTHERHAM COUNCIL: CLIMATE…


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