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Search results for "community transport"

Including 5 closely related terms such as passenger transport, public transport, and public transport.

1 result

Surrey County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… more energy efficient and move away from gas heating. 376,000- 493,000 fossil-fuel vehicles need to be avoided or replaced by electric vehicles, walking, cycling or public transport. As we move towards electric vehicles and heating, Surrey needs to contribute to the decarbonisation and management of the electricity grid by increasing the capacity of renewable energy by 1244 MW of low carbon…

… and services to residents. Communities can work to improve neighbourhoods by supporting community energy, planting trees and protecting green spaces, travelling via active and public transport modes and developing sustainable commerce and waste reduction projects. Community-led climate change hubs are springing up across Surrey, including Zero Carbon Guildfordix and Mole Valley Climate Hub…

… mobility service app to facilitate journeys by public transport. (13) Implement the emerging Bus Service Improvement Plan. (14) Consider options for car demand management such as emission-based charging. (15) Expand and promote the use of ultra low emission vehicles and car clubs. (16) Carry out engagement activities that promote active and sustainable travel. (17) Encourage the provision…

… associated measures to support last mile delivery using e-cargo bikes). (19) Consider options to introduce an eco-levy (pay as you drive). (20) Deliver the EV taxi pilot to encourage taxi companies and drivers to invest in electric fleet in future. 18 8% increase in freight miles and increasing efficiency by 40%. Passenger transport and freight has been split according to national emissions…

… emissions attributable to the county’s 2050 net zero target totalled 6.6 MtCO2e. Transport and buildings make up 94% of carbon emissions produced from petrol and diesel vehicles, gas heating and electricity consumption in the county. Emissions relating to the consumption of goods and services by Surrey residents and businesses are estimated to be between 14-17 MtCO2e; 2-3 times greater than those…


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