Including the closely related term transport.
… across all sectors. At Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council we will reduce emissions from energy consumption in all Council buildings, in house fleet transport and staff travel. We are committed to fully embed carbon management within all Council policies and procedures and ensure that climate change is a recognised commitment within the Corporate Strategy. We will raise carbon management…
…, as a consequence the installation of gas boilers will cease. 7 Tr an sp o rt Transport In Tonbridge and Malling CO2 emissions from the transport sector have risen by 7% since 2013. Figure 3 below shows the carbon emissions from…
… the Transport Sector in Ton- bridge and Malling (BEIS, 2019). Reducing the need to travel using technology and smarter ways of working will help to reduce transport emissions. The Council’s adopted digital strategy con- tains ambitions and actions that support carbon reduction. There are also op- portunities to raise public awareness of sustainable travel choices. In addition to reducing vehicle mileage…
…, we will also promote smarter driving and under- take an anti-idling campaign to eliminate emissions from idling engines. Working with Kent County Council and transport operators to provide an inte- grated transport system that promotes lower carbon and healthy transport choices within Tonbridge and Malling will also be instrumental in lowering carbon emissions from this sector. The Council…
… ULEVs in order to undertake work for the Coun- cil. A move towards ULEVs will help to reduce transport emissions. Providing the in- frastructure to support electric vehicles will be instrumental in facilitating the change to greener vehicles. In order to achieve this change, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council has made a commitment to provide electric charging points across the borough, so…