Including the closely related terms public transport, public transport, and transport.
… Offshore Wind 2. Driving Growth of Low Carbon Hydrogen 3. Delivering New and Advanced Nuclear Power 4. Accelerating the Shift to Zero Emissions Vehicles 5. Green Public Transport, Cycling and Walking 6. Jet Zero and Green Ships 7. Greener Buildings 8. Investing in Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage 9. Protecting the Natural Environment 10. Green Finance and Innovation We can expect…
… ................................................................................................................ 17 7.3. Transport ................................................................................................................ 18 7.4. Land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) ............................................... 18 Strategy approval date: _/_/2021 Page 3 of 37 v.01 Review date: __ 2024 8. Emissions Reduction Action Plan…
…, electricity use and other fuel use in domestic. Ø Road Transport: Emissions from road transport on A-roads, B-roads and diesel railways. Ø Land Use, Land Use Change & Forestry (LULUCF): We are a net contributor of CO₂ and methane due to the decomposition of peat in our district. 5.4. What have we already done? Our work follows an agreed phased approach: phase 1 looks solely at the council…
… to be burnt to keep the property warm, thus emitting more. 7.3. Transport King’s Lynn and West Norfolk is a large rural district and has a mixture of A-roads and smaller (B/C) roads. A-roads are the main roads that come in and out of larger areas like King’s Lynn, thus, they attract commuter travel, visitor travel and goods transportation. A-roads act as a transport node, forming the main routes…
… ready applications/projects. Property Services / Alive West Norfolk 2021 - 2022 tbc 4. Implement a building retrofit programme. Property Services / Alive West Norfolk 2022 - 2050 tbc 3 Vehicle Fleet 5. Adopt an EV/Hybrid first policy (unless the business case suggests otherwise). Open Space / Transport Manager 2021 - 2022 n/a 6. Conduct a green fleet review through the Energy Saving…