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Search results for "community transport"

Including 7 closely related terms such as public transport, transport infrastructure, and public transport.

1 result

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… detail the actions that can be taken to drive progress to becoming carbon neutral. These are: Theme 1 - Council Leadership and influencing others Theme 4 – Improvements to the environment Theme 2 - Council buildings and energy use Theme 5 - Tackling and minimising Waste Theme 3 - Council Transport & switching to lower polluting vehicles Theme 6 - Use of Technology & information…

… of Policy, Performance & Governance Staff time Future Defra funding (tbc) Options identified and explored Greater use of more sustainable transport options including public transport Objective Outcomes Timescale Lead Officer What this will cost and how will it will be funded How will we measure success 17 Increase number of safe cycle routes throughout…

… options to improve public transport. This action is also linked to a number of other actions outlined in Theme 3. Oct 2020 Chief Operating Officer/ Head of Policy, Performance & Governance Tbc Feedback on options 19 Introduce more cycle racks/covers Increase the number of cycle racks installed in the borough as part of the Plan E programme and apply for other funding…

… opportunities to shift away from reliance on cars to travel in the borough Work with the Surrey County Council as the Highways Authority and other relevant providers to look at local transport infrastructure and develop a plan to support moving away from car use. Embed a culture of sustainable travel in new housing developments using sustainable travel locations. March 2021 Head…

… disseminated and shared Objective Outcomes Timescale Lead Officer What this will cost and how will it will be funded How will we measure success part in making a difference PV panels, energy efficient boilers & appliances & insulation. Transport – sustainable travel, lower emission vehicles. Environmental – planting, bio- diversity & gardens, promote seasonal…


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