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Search results for "community transport"

Including the closely related terms public transport, public transport, and transport.

1 result

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… in commuting miles 3.5 Work with waste services provider to increase efficiency throughout contract and continue to reduce emissions where possible High TBC Ongoing Waste fleet mileage/fuel consumption and associated CO2 emissions 3.6 Development of a Mass Rapid Transit network as a strategic public transport route High High By 2030. Blueprint to be complete by Spring 2021…

…/public transport providers to electrify fleet – work to secure inward investment/funding Low High TBC No. of electric buses in use in borough 3.9 Review parking provision and rates, in order to promote lower emission vehicles into the town centre over more polluting vehicles Low Low TBC Parking strategy work being undertaken as a part of work on Central Basingstoke 3.10…

… – tackling emissions from heating and powering our buildings • Transport – tackling emissions from vehicles • Zero carbon electricity – supporting the transition to a decarbonised electricity system • Waste and Consumption – reducing waste and consumption • The Natural Environment – maximising the climate mitigation and adaptation qualities of the natural environment Actions are categorised…

… in borough Uptake of other grant schemes 2.17 Work with Housing Associations to improve social housing stock Medium Medium TBC No. of HA retrofit installations. EPC ratings of social housing 2.18 Develop strategy for improving energy efficiency of buildings that council leases out Medium TBC TBC Strategy developed EPCs and DECs used to measure improvements 3. Transport

… Completion of blueprint 3.7 Undertake study of walking and cycling alongside HCC and their Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, currently in development, in order to provide for and promote active transport. Medium Medium and dependent on schemes identified Study to be complete by TBC LCWIP in place Increased prevalence in walking/cycling 3.8 Work with Stagecoach…


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