Including the closely related terms transport infrastructure, transport infrastructure, and transport.
…, to reduce damage to buildings from water penetration, flooding and storms. Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework Goal 2 - Responsive transport and infrastructure Close collaboration between agencies, long-term planning and regular assessment will keep local transport infrastructure resilient to shocks from severe weather, protecting people and helping businesses stay…
… in maintenance demands and costs. ► As part of wider travel planning, increase travel options and links to different modes of transport to assist travel during and following severe weather. ► Ensure design and specifications for transport infrastructure are robust to future rain and heat levels. ► Where practical, improve drainage and reduce flood risk through the use of permeable…
… About Aberdeen Adapts o Support from Adaptation Scotland o Acknowledgements o Aligning with Powering Aberdeen o Strategic Environmental Assessment Why do we need Aberdeen Adapts? Climate challenges for Aberdeen Aberdeen Adapts approach Protecting buildings and infrastructure 1. Protected buildings and historic assets 2. Responsive transport 3. Managing…
… Executive summary Aberdeen Adapts is a framework for city-wide working on adaptation. Incorporating the views of local organisations and communities, it sets the direction to build long term city resilience. Aberdeen is already home to a range of low carbon initiatives including; hydrogen transport and infrastructure; a passive house nursery; expanding heat network; and community hydro…
… Wetland project and green roofs on city buildings. From the North East Flood Risk Management Plan to the integration of adaptation into city planning policy, as well as Local Transport, Open Space and Nature Conservation Strategies. By learning from these measures, Aberdeen is well placed to develop the adaptation solutions that can make sure local people, places and businesses are climate ready…