Including the closely related term transport.
… implemented as intended. All three previous iterations of the Strategy proposed a target of a reduction in emissions per capita of 1.5% per year to match and support the then UK national targets for reducing emissions. Overall there has been clear progress in the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions (from transport, domestic, and industry and commercial) in the county, with a 28.8% reduction…
… the maximum allowable emissions from new buildings through changes to Part L of the Building Regulations. The installation of ‘smart meters’ to facilitate the monitoring of energy consumption. Salix finance for energy efficiency improvements by public sector organisations. Supporting the increasing use of biofuels for transport and electric vehicles. Action to reduce greenhouse gas…
… as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) on all major planning applications, with the LLFA reviewing the applications in relation to surface water drainage only. The LLFA is also required to provide technical advice on surface water drainage strategies, and on any designs put forward for new major developments. The Northamptonshire Transportation Plan20 establishes transport-related policies…
…, objectives and aims pertaining to transport in the county, outlining the plans which are in place and how they are to be implemented. The Plan consists of a broad range of strategies covering a number of distinct policy areas, and includes the Northamptonshire Highway Air Quality Strategy21. The Plan recognises that the demand for travel within Northamptonshire is accelerating, in conjunction…
… of Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs). Seven AQMAs have been 19 North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 - 2031%20High%20Res%20version%20for%20website.pdf 20 The Northamptonshire Transportation Plan 2012 -…