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Search results for "community transport"

Including 5 closely related terms such as public transport, transport infrastructure, and public transport.

1 result

Cheshire East Council (Unitary)

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… East our transport infrastructure and services are vital to meet our community needs for connectivity to employment, education, health care, shopping and leisure., However, on-road transport is the largest source of carbon emissions in Cheshire East and is a significant contributor to air pollution within Cheshire East is road transport. This impact is indicative of relatively high car…

… ownership in Cheshire East with 40% of households having two or more cars against a UK average of 29%. Greater use of sustainable transport will help improve air quality and contribute to the decarbonisation of the borough. This means making adequate provision for a range of sustainable transport opportunities to enable travel on foot, by cycle or by public transport wherever possible, thereby…

… and opportunities identified in the Borough wide Local Transport Plan relate to specific areas, setting out schemes and interventions to improve the transport network and choices. The Town Delivery Plans will also consider the surrounding rural areas and smaller settlements which is vital given the Borough’s rural population and economy. 5.1 Local Bus Services As the predominant mode of public

… there are a number of localities that do not meet even minimum standards for bus provision. The areas shaded grey on the below map represent those areas within 400 metres of a bus stop which is within 60 minutes public transport travel time of a Principal Town or Key Service Centre. The areas shaded red are not within 400 metres of a bus stop. Importantly, however, these minimum standards increasingly fail…

… as attractive and accessible green spaces enable people to access outdoor 1. Cheshire East Council will be carbon neutral by 2025 ➢ Carbon Action Plan 2. Reduce waste ➢ Municipal Waste Strategy 3. Improve air quality ➢ Air Quality Strategy, Air Quality Action Plan 4. Ensure new development is sustainable ➢ Local Plan 5. Increase sustainable transport and travel ➢ Local Transport Plan 6…


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