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Search results for "community transport"

Including 5 closely related terms such as public transport, public transport, and transport.

1 result

Orkney Islands Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

… the volume of, and cost of handling, the county's waste. Eliminate single use / disposable plastic items within the Council where possible, and support others to do likewise. Future aspirations: Encourage renewable and carbon-neutral transport.Increase the use of renewable fuels for Council transport and buildings. Improve electric vehicle infrastructure. Achieve a carbon neutral economy within Orkney…

… 8031.0 Ferry Fleet. Ferry (average passenger) Scope 3 10586 passenger km 0.11287 kg CO2e/litre 1469.0 Tug Boat Fleet. Marine Gas Oil Scope 1 215671 litres 2.7754 kg CO2e/litre 599.0 Harbour Craft Fleet. Marine Gas Oil Scope 1 529186 litres 2.7754 kg CO2e/litre 304.0 Inter-Island Air Transport. Diesel (average biofuel blend) Scope 1 120000 litres 2.54603 kg CO2e/litre 306.0 Public Transport. Aviation…

… in relation to climate change. If any of the body’s activities in relation to climate change sit outside its own governance arrangements (in relation to, for example, land use, adaptation, transport, business travel, waste, information and communication technology, procurement or behaviour change), identify these activities and the governance arrangements. The Council is a facilitating member…

…, adaptation, transport, business travel, waste, information and communication technology, procurement or behaviour change), identify how this is managed and how responsibility is allocated outside the body (JPEG, PNG, PDF, DOC) X2A0T Public Sector Climate Change Duties 2019 Summary Report: Orkney Council 4 # Public Sector Climate Change Duties 2020 Summary Report: Orkney Council Orkney Islands…

… of Infrastructure and Strategic Projects, Head of Schools, Fleet Manager, Waste Manager, Ferry Services Manager, Transport Manager, Service Manager of Community Social Services. A Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) Officer was appointed in March 2019. The LHEES project is scheduled to run until mid-March 2020. 2(c) Does the body have specific climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives…


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