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Search results for "community transport"

Including the closely related term transport.

1 result

Manchester City Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… can help support the development of that pipeline. A Green Economy report was considered by Economy Scrutiny Committee on 7 November. The Work and Skills Board in January 2020 will focus on Green Skills and a plan is being developed with training providers in the city. Push GMCA to decarbonise public transport, heat and energy as early as possible. Partnership work…

… of transport and improved air quality. A liveable and low carbon city: a destination of choice to live, visit, work Becoming a zero carbon city can help to make the city a more attractive place for people to live, work, visit and study. A connected city: world class infrastructure and connectivity to drive growth A zero carbon transport system would create a world class business environment…

…. ● Internal decision making including: Procurement and commissioning; Decision making and reports; Draft staff travel plan by January 2020; Staff training and engagement plan; Capital Strategy section to capture priorities and approach. ● Infrastructure Planning including: Planning and Infrastructure including the Local Plan; Transport including the City Centre Transport Plan, Clean Air Plan…

… continuing with GMCA at a strategic level through the Leader and Chief Executive and at an operational level. The Executive Member for the Environment, Planning and Transport asked TfGM to produce a report on decarbonisation of transport to the Greater Manchester Transport Committee. A report titled ‘Update on increased efficiency & deployment of low energy transport, low carbon…

… infrastructure and plan for progressing to zero emissions vehicles by 2038.’ has now been added to the Committee work programme and will be considered on 17 January 2020. Through our role on GMPF, encourage divestment in fossil fuels as early as possible. The Executive Member for Environment, Planning and Transport has contacted the Greater Manchester Pension Fund and their response has been…


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