Including the closely related terms public transport, public transport, and transport.
… issues Commit as a Council to opposing fracking, supporting the current ban on fracking and oppose fossil fuel extraction Council motion approved Existing Enabling Low Carbon Behaviours Q1 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 44. Campaign for cheaper, less polluting and safe public transport as well as increased funding and support for active travel modes Campaign launched Existing Enabling…
… Executive 84. Targeting fuel poverty Work with NHS, energy providers and retrofit organisations to support those vulnerable to ill health from cold homes or effect of severe weather events Increased number of home inspections completed Existing Enabling Improved Health Ongoing Public Health 85. Promoting sustainable transport Work with schools to encourage use of public transport, walking…
… science activities where these actively contribute to identifying and tackling air pollution in the borough, including the provision of Diffusion Tubes and hand-held monitoring Monitoring devices provided Existing Enabling Improved Air Quality Ongoing Regulatory Services Our streets 125. Reducing air pollution from public transport Lobby TfL for cleaner, less polluting models of buses…
… 38. Develop a Staff Travel Plan which promotes alternative modes of transport Staff Travel Plan in place Existing Low Improved Health Low Carbon Behaviours Q4 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 39. Assessment of impact of changing working patterns and increased interest in cycling and improve cycle storage, shower facilities and drying rooms Increase in % of those staff…
… commuting to work travelling by sustainable modes of travel Low Low Improved Health Low Carbon Behaviours Assessment by Q2 2021/22. Final improvemen ts by Q4 2021/22. Property Services 40. Map and share low traffic cycle routes between sites Improve information available to staff Existing Low Improved Health Low Carbon Behaviours Q2 2021/22 Planning and Transport 41. Dr…