Including the closely related terms public transport, public transport, and transport.
… for organisations, from which we can learn. Flexible working practices, such as working from home where possible, offer a solution to mitigating the carbon emissions associated with commuting. • Utilising less carbon intensive modes of travelling, such as public transport, cycling or using low- emission private vehicles, is another potential solution. These solutions can save the Council and/or its employees…
… meetings. • Car sharing and encouragement of the use of active and public transport where possible should also be investigated. Ultimately ELDC will need to engage with its employees to understand better the practical implications of reducing its business travel footprint. Remote working Video conferencing Car sharing incentives Encourage use of public transport Employee engagement 31313131…
… a detailed cost-benefit analysis. Upgrading street and promenade lighting under ELDC’s control to LED and introducing advanced controls Public lighting Replacing existing internal combustion engine vehicle fleet with battery powered electric vehicles Fleet electrification Roll out of regular driver training and comprehensive telematics Fleet management Encouraging low carbon transport…
…: Indirect GHG emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam • Scope 3: Other indirect emissions, such as the extraction and production of purchased materials and fuels, transport-related activities in vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting entity, electricity-related activities not covered in Scope 2 (e.g. transmission and distribution losses) , outsourced activities…
… generated in Council-controlled operations • Employee commuting based emissions Section 2: Scope of carbon footprint ELDC Footprint 2019 Non-Council operations Employee Commuting Council operations Building emissions Electricity consumption Gas consumption Waste generation & treatment Transportation emissions Council- owned fleet Business mileage Scope 3 Scope 2 Scope 1 Scope…