Including 7 closely related terms such as transport use, public transport, and transport infrastructure.
… infrastructure; active and public transport infrastructure; and carbon capture and storage (CCS). The costs of climate changes are likely to be substantially more expensive. Estimates suggest that the damage caused by going beyond 1.5C, would cost USD 15-38.5 trillion by 2100 (2.3-3.5% of Gross World Product).…
… services by nearly 42% since 2008. To meet our objective of releasing net zero emissions by 2030 we will need to reduce emissions from our energy and transport use by 348 tonnes of CO2 equivalent every year. These changes will require significant initial investment and radical changes to the way we manage our buildings, deliver services, procure products and services. In the long- term these changes…
… population size, per capita emissions in St Albans are the 3rd lowest in Hertfordshire (average 4tCO2 per person) after Watford and Three Rivers. This is due to the urban nature of the District, our good public transport links, a lack of major industry and high population density. London on the other hand, has even lower per capita emissions (3.2 tCO2) because of its condensed population and excellent…
… public transport facilities. It is worth remembering though, the exclusions from the previous page; for example food, purchases and air travel. Page 18 Page 18 Page 19 National efforts to decarbonise our electricity have significantly reduced the CO2 impact of electricity. As you can see from this graph, we have been slower to reduce the impacts of gas and transport…
… of 161,800 tonnes of oil to fuel our vehicles. In order to reduce our emissions and improve air quality, our transportation systems need to be transformed. This includes reducing traffic volumes, while improving traffic flows; making walking and cycling safe and accessible for all; ending the availability of petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicles; ensuring zero emissions buses and freight; improving public…