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Search results for "community transport"

Including the closely related terms public transport, public transport, and transport.

1 result

Wyre Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

transport to travel around the borough, particularly where there is limited public transport. A proportion of emissions from the M6 motorway are also attributed to Wyre where it intersects our borough. - A large proportion of domestic emissions are generated from the use of gas to heat our homes, which is a polluting fossil fuel. This is higher in areas without a gas grid connection who rely…

… have a stronger influence on our staff and contracted services, and a medium influence on our procurement of services and contractors. As a borough council, we have a weaker influence on reducing emissions within the wider borough. This is because we have fewer powers than Lancashire County Council, who are responsible for services we do not cover, such as public transport

… .......................................................................................................................... 45 Objective 1: Buildings ..............................................................................................................46 Objective 2: Transport..............................................................................................................52 Objective 3: Net zero council…

… declared a Climate Emergency and make a unanimous, cross-party commitment to cut our emissions. This strategy outlines how we plan to tackle climate change by reducing our emissions, both internally and in collaboration with key stakeholders within the community. We have broken this down into eight objectives that we plan to target, including buildings, transport, our council processes…

… outline how we plan to achieve them. 1. Buildings Retrofit and decarbonise buildings and heating systems. 2. Transport Support decarbonised, safe and sustainable transport. 3. Net zero council Embed climate action across council governance and financial decision-making. 4. Planning Use our planning powers to plan for a low carbon and climate resilient future. 5…


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