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Search results for "community transport"

Including the closely related terms public transport, public transport, and transport.

1 result

Wolverhampton City Council

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

…: e.g. smart meter installation; avoiding parking near their workplace or using fewer plastic bags due to increased cost • 1-2 participants talked about proactively trying to make more sustainable food and travel choices e.g. buying organic, using public transport • Driving less was one suggested change that people could make, but this was generally considered fairly radical as it was felt…

… to buy from than others • Their ability to continue their day-to-day lives: • e.g. reliability of public transport • The scale of the problem: in some cases this now felt more daunting, making it hard to translate the issue into changes they could make in daily life ”If there were more services available at a reasonable cost, people would use them more. But it’s unreliable… trains, buses…

… of public transport • Tax-related benefits for businesses acting in sustainable ways These principles informed participants’ view on policy ideas… • Residents felt that an ultra low vehicle emission programme may require a specific incentive to encourage usage • Asking businesses to use eco-ratings would be more effective if they were rewarded for achieving a high rating • There were concerns…

… of cycle paths  Improving the quality of existing cycle paths  Incentivising greater use of public transport  Banning diesel fuel vehicles from the local area Improving transport Incentivising ‘green’ activities Educating citizens Improving recycling Sensitivity: NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Residents were interested in ways they could help prevent climate change if there were more…

… | Private and Confidential Residents thought shifting to ultra-low emission council vehicles was important and in line with changes elsewhere • Transport was assumed to constitute a large proportion of the council’s carbon emissions • The policy was seen as credible following on from other councils adopting similar policies, and residents’ experiences of low emission public transport in other…


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