Including the closely related terms public transport, public transport, and transport.
… of a Council Staff Travel Plan. This ACTION LEAD (L) AND PARTNERS TARGET or MILESTONE FUNDING COMMENTS is due to (a) requirement to make best use of limited internal staff capacity; and, (b) the ongoing uncertainty of longer-term staff profiles and bases. Staff Travel Plans focus on measures to make it easier and preferable for staff to choose to walk, cycle, use public transport…
… or MILESTONE FUNDING COMMENTS T3 – Develop an electric vehicle infrastructure strategy (L) Roads and Infrastructure Services Evidence of delivery of projects Part for current financial year The development of the EV network is funded by external grant monies from Transport Scotland, and the costs of developing the strategy in terms of staff time are covered via existing budgets…
… of delivery of projects £2.9M external funding secured development and delivery of Active Travel in 22/23 financial year. No active travel funding is provided by Council. External competitive challenge funds are time consuming to secure and projects have to be shaped to fit with external funders’ aspirations and requirements by the 1.7FTE staff in the Strategic Transportation Team…
… TR TD Span T3 – Develop an electric vehicle infrastructure strategy TD Span (L) Roads and Infrastructure Services TD Span Evidence of delivery of projects TD Span Part for current financial year The development of the EV network is funded by external grant monies from Transport Scotland, and the costs of developing the strategy in terms of staff time are covered via…
… with external funders’ aspirations and requirements by the 1.7FTE staff in the Strategic Transportation Team. However, at present these are the only available source(s) of potential funding to deliver active travel improvements. TD Span The purpose of active travel is to make it as easy as possible and help to encourage individuals, businesses and visitors to choose to walk, wheel or cycle for local…