Including the closely related terms public transport, public transport, and transport.
… sources of emissions in the borough come from our homes, transport and businesses - so everyone has a part to play. Those that have outdoor space, a garden or allotment can manage it in a more biodiversity friendly way, and there are other opportunities for people living and working in Torfaen to support nature too, including by volunteering at a local nature reserve. The impact…
… with Torfaen Council’s land Figure 4: Carbon dioxide emissions for Torfaen, 2019 6 of 21 The largest sources of carbon dioxide emissions in the borough come from our use of fossil fuels and relate to energy use in our homes, transport and commercial and industrial sources. Overall carbon dioxide emissions in Torfaen decreased between 2005 and 2019 by 39.0% from 683.8 kilo-tonnes per…
…, investments, compostable packaging, business incentives amongst other things, using more public transport, ideas for sharing good practice and ideas relating to how the Council manages its own estate. The word cloud below is a visualisation of the ideas put forward and the conversations that followed. 2 of 21 During October and November 2021, we…
…. Energy and water efficiency.............................................................................................................. 6 ii. Renewable energy............................................................................................................................ 7 iii. Mobility and transport…
… and services purchased by the Council are by far the largest part of the carbon footprint. These emissions are classified as indirect emissions and include all upstream emissions from the extraction, production and transportation of goods and services used in the reporting year 6. However, this part of the calculation is only an indicative estimate based on industry average emissions per £ spend…