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Search results for "community transport"

Including 5 closely related terms such as passenger transport, public transport, and public transport.

1 result

Essex County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… in sustainable travel across the county, by growing passenger transport and active travel, and we will ensure we support the move towards net zero. All our work is delivered in partnership, either with districts, central government or suppliers and is aligned with the transport priorities within Everyone’s Essex. Our approach is “Avoid – Shift – Improve’: avoiding unnecessary motor vehicle trips…

…; encourage residents to shift to other, more sustainable modes, such as walking, cycling and public transport; and improving the sustainability of those journeys which are essential, such as improving bus provision and developing a strategy for electric charge points. ECC has made great progress on delivering against our recommendations, most obviously through the development of five active travel…

… Essex Climate Action Plan Essex Climate Action Plan Essex County Council’s response to Net Zero: Making Essex Carbon Neutral 1 Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Commitments 4 3. Cross-Cutting Projects Within ECC 6 4. Land Use & Green Infrastructure 8 5. Energy 13 6. Built Environment 16 7. Transport 26 8. Waste 32 9…

… with partners to drive effective progress against the Essex Climate Action Commission’s (ECAC) recommendations. The ECC responses follow the structure of the Commission report under the key themes of land use and green infrastructure, energy, built environment, transport, waste, and community engagement. Please note that all funding commitments outlined below will be for the next 4 years to 2025/26…

… High Quality Environment • Net Zero • Transport & Built Environment • Minimise Waste • Levelling Up the Environment • Green Communities Health, Wellbeing & Independence For All Ages • Levelling Up Health • Healthy Lifestyles • Promoting Independence • Place-based Working • Carers A Great Place For Children & Families To Grow • Education Outcomes • Levelling Up…


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