Including the closely related terms public transport, public transport, and transport.
…/government/uploads/system/uploads/ attachment_data/ file/745003/Guidance_note_for_voluntary_reporting-final.pdf Adur & Worthing Councils – Carbon Neutral Plan AECOM Note that there are additional Scope 3 emissions, such as those arising from business travel by public transport, car mileage not logged via essential or casual car user payments, emissions from waste or emissions from procurement…
… to electric systems, such as heat pumps, and reducing journey mileage, for instance, by planning vehicle routes differently, or taking measures to promote a shift towards walking, cycling, ridesharing and public transport. It is important to note that these scenarios are not intended to predict actual fuel consumption or CO2e Prepared for: Adur & Worthing Councils 3 emissions. Instead…
… the use of electric heating and vehicles. For instance, energy efficiency improvements in buildings enable systems such as heat pumps to work at a higher level of efficiency. Similarly, a large-scale shift to the use of electric vehicles must be accompanied by a significant modal shift towards walking, cycling, ridesharing, and an increase in the use of public transport. As buildings and vehicles…
…-use-and-greenhouse-gas-emissions-for-appraisal 15 NEED, ‘Summary of Analysis, Great Britain’ (2019). Available at: iciency_Data_Framework__NEED__report_summary_of_analysis_2019.pdf Adur & Worthing Councils – Carbon Neutral Plan AECOM ridesharing and public transport…
…) and vehicle types. (Note: emissions from the Leisure Centre and Splashpoint were estimated using 2014-15 data, which was the most complete information available.) Prepared for: Adur & Worthing Councils 2 tC O 2e p .a . 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 - Figure 1. Emissions by source and fuel type (2018) Non- Residential Residential External Crematorium Transport Water Business…