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Search results for "community action"

1 result

Chesterfield Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Climate Change Delivery Plan 2023-2024 Climate Change Delivery Plan 2023-2024 Theme 1: Buildings and energy 2 Theme 2: Travel 8 Theme 3: Greenspace, land use and offsetting 11 Theme 4: Communication, engagement, and training 13 Theme 5: Data, monitoring, and corporate activity / the way we work 15 Theme 6…

… resource N/A 13 Theme 4: Communication, engagement, and training Action Number Key delivery strand Action for 2023 / 24 Funding Lead working group CET.01 Communication and engagement (2030 & 2050) External Communication and engagement plan Building upon the Climate Action Now (CAN) and residents surveys, develop an enhanced communication and engagement campaign…

… of an annual report to monitor climate change strategy impacts. This will influence future action plans, enable more efficient prioritisation of actions and support communication, engagement, and training activity. Within proposed climate change budget Communication and engagement DM.04 Climate change co-ordination (2030 & 2050) Climate change impact assessment (CCIA) tool…

… and energy Theme 2: Travel Theme 3: Greenspace, land use and offsetting Theme 4: Communication, engagement, and training Theme 5: Data, monitoring, and corporate activity / the way we work Theme 6: Council Influence and Partnership Activity …


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