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Search results for "community action"

Including the closely related term community engagement.

1 result

North Kesteven District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… net zero. To help categorise our Communication and Engagement actions we use the following subthemes: Sub-theme 1: Knowledge and Awareness Sub-theme 2: Community Engagement A record of the changes made to this theme as part of the 2023 Action Plan review can be found in Appendix 1. Page 41. The actions within this theme contribute to strategic objective 3 of our Climate Emergency…

… Strategy. The SMT champion for our Communication and Engagement theme is our Assistant Director of Corporate and Community Services. Action Costing Scale £ = £1 - £10,000 ££ = £10,001 - £50,000 £££ = £50,001 - £500,000 ££££ = £500,001 - £5 million £££££ = £5 million + (£) = officer time/internal cost Additional climate activities related to Communication and Engagement…

…/A 2. Communication and Engagement This is the approved CEAP 2023/24 content however, the final designed version is currently pending and will be made available shortly. 18 Sub-Theme 2: Community Engagement Ref Action Net Zero Vision Scale Start Date End Date Cost Division Lead Role Co-owner 2.2.1 Produce a Community Engagement Plan to formulate an approach…

… to increase engagement of the climate agenda with the public. Increase community engagement to understand community drivers and to provide the tools to help communities understand and work towards a proactive climate agenda. District 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 (£) CCS Corporate Information Manager N/A 2.2.2 Collaborate to explore how we can encourage communities to develop 2030…


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