Including 52 related terms such as global warming, changing, and new climate change.
…, which declared that climate change had become an emergency because of a collective failure to act. The IPCC warned that failing to limit global warming to a 1.5°C increase in global average temperatures over the preindustrial period would trigger runaway climate change and have catastrophic impacts on health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security and economic growth…
… partners to revise the Plan4Fife to include a clearer commitment and actions to address climate change; 6. To assist communities to be more resilient to the impacts of global warming and climate change and work with partners and communities across Fife in pursuit of these targets.” National legislation Fife Council is committed to playing its part in achieving national climate change targets…
… 17 18 19 20 19 to legislate to support the aims of the Paris Agreement which sets the standard for the international response…
… Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, H.-O. Pörtner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P.R. Shukla, A. Pirani, W. Moufouma-Okia, C. Péan, R…
… the atmosphere and storing it in long term carbon sinks so that it will not contribute to global warming in the medium term. The latest science suggests that it may not actually be possible to meet Fife Council’s climate change targets without massive carbon sequestration efforts because Fife has simply been too slow to cut emissions. This workstream will involve flue gas capture, reforestation projects…
…-development/climate-change/ Foreword 4 1 Context 5 Vision 5 About West Dunbartonshire 5 2 National and Regional Drivers 6 The legal and policy drivers 6 Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 6 Glasgow City Region - Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan 7 3 Local Context 8 Scope of Action Plan 8 Opportunities and Challenges 8 Integration 9 Local Climate Change Risk…
…; developing biodiversity sites throughout the area and taking steps to manage and reduce the Council-wide carbon footprint. This new Climate Change Action Plan will implement our recently launched Climate Change Strategy through a series of actions for the short, medium and long term. It will transform the way we operate as a Local Authority, integrating climate change mitigation, adaptation…
… commitment as a ‘major player’ for mitigating national carbon emissions by supporting the Scottish Government in meeting its ambitious climate change targets. I am confident that these commitments will allow us to continue to make progress on tackling climate change locally, while also supporting national and global efforts. I look forward to joining forces with our communities to see it progress…
…. FOREWORD CONTEXT Councillor Iain McLaren, Convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Vision In January 2021, the Council launched a new Climate Change Strategy in response to the global climate emergency, setting a long term target for West Dunbartonshire becoming net zero by 2045, following a similar trajectory to the national target set for Scotland as a whole…
… Player’ due to its size and influence and therefore must submit a mandatory climate change report to Scottish Government (SG) on an annual basis, detailing the actions planned to reduce our environmental impacts. These duties came into force in 2011, which led to the launch of the Council’s first Climate Change Strategy in 2012. Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan In January 2021…
… Government in meeting its ambitious climate change targets. I am confdent that these commitments will allow us to continue to make progress on tackling climate change locally, while also supporting national and global efforts. I look forward to joining forces with our communities to see it progress. 4 5 fr . t f' .- ... ; CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY - A ROUTE MAP FOR A NET ZERO FUTURE…
… The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 is regarded as one of the most ambitious Climate Change legislation in the world. The Science The global climate is changing at a considerable rate. In the ‘State of the UK Climate 2019’ report, the Met Ofce detailed how since 1884, the 10 warmest years recorded have occurred since 2002, whereas the top 10 coldest years were recorded before 1970…
… targets and indicators that UN member states are expected to use in setting their agendas over the next 15 years. Climate Change is at the core of how many of these goals can be delivered and as such, tackling climate change is essential for achieving sustainable development for all. This Strategy will strive to adhere to the delivery of these goals at a local level, to ensure that West…
… Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019’ = Committee on Climate Change (CCC) - Net Zero – The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming (2020) = Energy Efcient Scotland Programme = Scottish Non-Domestic Sustainability Building Handbook = Scottish Domestic Sustainability Building Handbook = Fuel Poverty (Targets, Defnition and Strategy) (Scotland) Act 2019 Energy & Water & Assets…
… at both strategic and operational levels. To ensure that this Strategy is delivered effectively, a new Climate Change Action Group has been launched involving senior management from each Council service area, ensuring shared responsibility of climate targets and objectives for their own service areas. CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY - A ROUTE MAP FOR A NET ZERO FUTURE The Climate Change Action…
… these impacts. We need to act now to protect our natural environment and biodiversity for future generations. The solutions to tackling climate change will also reduce biodiversity loss; indeed nature can help us to offset carbon emissions and help us to solve the climate crisis. Global warming Increased levels of ‘greenhouse gases’ building up in the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide, nitrous…
…: Climate Adaptation: Climate Ready Buildings Climate Change Mitigation means the actions we can all take to reduce our carbon emissions, which will help to reduce global warming and the serious effects this will have on the environment, society and the economy. Climate Change Adaptation is how our communities can adapt to extreme weather events and a climate that is already changing…
… Legislation Scotland has world-leading climate change legislation, with ambitious targets to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019: Scotland now has the most stringent statutory climate change targets in the world. The Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 20193 received Royal Assent…
… Emergency and Reducing Global Warming. 18 3.2 UK Climate Change Policy………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18 3.3 National Policy Context: Scotland’s World-leading Climate Change Legislation…………. 18 3.4 The Local Policy Context: addressing Climate Change in East Lothian………………………… 23 4. Context: East Lothian……………………………………………………………………………. 25 4.1 Location, Landscape and Land Use Context…
… changing climate………………………………………………………………………………………. 34 8 6.2 Future climate impacts in East Lothian………………………………………………………………………. 35 6.3 East Lothian’s Climate Risks and Impacts…………………………………………………………………… 36 6.4 Key Challenges of a Changing Climate in East Lothian:………………………………………………. 36 6.5 What does Climate Change Adaptation involve…
… Nations 8 | P a g e Figure 3 UN Sustainable Development Goals 2.1.2 The UN Paris Agreement The Paris Agreement, concluded in 2015, sets out a global action plan to put the world on track to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit…
… it to 1.5°C.9 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report (2018) on the impacts of global warming above 1.5 degrees10 concluded that the likely impacts are seriously alarming and that all options must be put into play to avoid the most dangerous consequences. The report concludes that the next 12 years are critical, with global carbon emissions needing to be cut by 45 percent by 2030…
… authorities work in partnership with the Scottish Government to realise these outcomes. 9 Paris Agreement, 2015, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 10 Global Warming of 1.5 degrees, October 2018, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 11 National Performance Framework, Scottish Government, 9 | P a g e Figure 4 Scottish Government National…
… carbon heat, and investing in resilience to climate impacts. 5.2 Policy Drivers Table 8: Relevant policy drivers on sustainable communities and how applied to South Ayrshire Council service delivery Policy Local application UN Sustainable Development Goals and National Performance Framework Integrate climate change mitigation and adaptation into local development planning. Help…
… 2.2.4 Public Bodies Climate Change Duties................................................................................... 10 2.2.5 Climate Ready Scotland ....................................................................................................... 10 2.3 Local…
… of greenhouse gases are released, leading to further warming. Beyond this point or threshold, the evidence suggests that we may lose control of our future climate and become subject to what has been referred to as dangerous or “runaway” climate change. Until recently, scientists felt that this threshold existed at around 2ºC of global warming, measured as a global average of surface temperatures…
… and businesses in the city should also be asked to match broader carbon reduction commitments and to report back on progress. 12 A NET-ZERO CARBON ROADMAP FOR BELFAST INTRODUCTION Climate science has proven the connection between the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the extent to which the atmosphere traps heat and so leads to global warming. The science tells us…
…”, refers to achieving an overall balance between emissions produced and emissions taken out of the atmosphere, with any residual emissions removed through carbon sinks. BACKGROUND 1.5ºC The level of global temperature rise at which we risk triggering dangerous climate change 2030 The point at which - at current rates - the world will have locked into more than 1.5ºC of warming GLOBAL…
… and consumption habits would take us further still Net Zero 6 7 A NET-ZERO CARBON ROADMAP FOR BELFAST EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background • Scientific evidence calls for rapid reductions in global carbon1 emissions if we are to limit average levels of warming to 1.5°C and so avoid the risks associated with dangerous or runaway climate change. • Globally, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change…
… forward (e.g. from 2050 to 2030, which the UK has not done, although many local authorities and other places have set themselves this ambitious goal). Globally, the IPCC suggests that from 2020 we can only emit 344 billion tonnes of CO2 if we want to give ourselves a 66% chance of avoiding dangerous climate change. We are currently emitting over 37 billion tonnes of CO2 every year, which…
… Item 09 Climate Change Strategy and Net Zero Targets CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Report to Council Date of Meeting: 11 August 2022 Subject: Climate Change Strategy and Net Zero Targets Report by: Strategic Director (Place) 1.0 Purpose 1.1. On Thursday 19th August 2021, Clackmannanshire Council unanimously passed…
… (Duties of Public Bodies: Reporting Requirements) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2020 requires that from November 2022 Public Bodies’ Climate Change Duties (PBCCD) reports, including Clackmannanshire Council’s, include: a target date for achieving zero direct emissions of greenhouse gases; targets for reducing indirect emissions of greenhouse gases; how the body will align its spending plans…
… Scope 1 & 2 emissions and all relevant and significant Scope 3 emissions. Accountability: it is recommended that climate change targets should be a board level KPI and if targets are missed, a corrective action plan is required. 3.4 Additional climate change targets that apply to public bodies include the following: Zero direct emissions by 2045 at the latest, including interim…
… an updated benchmark of Clackmannanshire’s direct emissions, sets out pathways to achieving net zero in direct and indirect emissions in addition to identifying adaptation opportunities. Progress will be measured through the annual Public Bodies’ Climate Change Duties report and the delivery of actions within a Climate Emergency Action Plan while initial consultation will be undertaken during…
… the Strategy’s development through the Climate Forums. 5.0 Sustainability Implications 5.1. The action taken aligns with the Councils aims to meet its sustainability, climate change and biodiversity duties. 6.0 Resource Implications 6.1. Climate change actions are currently managed within existing resources. Future initiatives will be dependent on available funding and resources which…
… in reversing this damage COOL 2 A STRATEGY FOR WIRRAL IN THE FACE OF THE GLOBAL CLIMATE EMERGENCY 5 INTRODUCTION 5. From an initial vantage point of 2019 6. Green Alliance (2011) Climate science explained 7. In line with global ambitions in the UN Paris Agreement on climate change which came into force in 2016 8. Beyond 1.5ºC of unnatural warming even more dangerous climate change will happen To do…
…, the Cool 2 strategy sets out a local path towards safety. By taking this path individually we can all make a difference; by moving together we can succeed. COOL 2 A STRATEGY FOR WIRRAL IN THE FACE OF THE GLOBAL CLIMATE EMERGENCY 3 FOREWORD 1. IPCC (2018) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC 2. Wirral Climate Change Group (2014) Cool, Wirral Climate Change Strategy 2014-2019 3. Nicola Moss…
… to current and unavoidable climate change. Damage has already been done. Some further impacts are expected from pollution already produced. WAKING UP TO THE CLIMATE CRISIS Unnatural climate change is happening. We are living through it. There has already been 1ºC of abnormal heating1. The damaging impacts are being felt now. We are on a dangerous path and need to change direction. We need to stop…
…. The Cool places of worship programme seeks to build on this by engaging with faith communities in Wirral directly in order to help these communities develop climate action plans for their places of worship (POW). Past research shows there is a willingness for local people to do their bit to help tackle climate change. The challenge is to get the message out about what people can and need to do…
… COOL 2 A STRATEGY FOR WIRRAL IN THE FACE OF THE GLOBAL CLIMATE EMERGENCY 2 CONTENTS The latest scientific evidence1 about climate change paints a worrying picture. It makes clear we must get rid of all climate damaging pollution fast. Damage caused by past pollution is already with us. If we continue to pollute, we are heading towards catastrophe. By taking responsibility now we…
…, Forum Housing, Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, Wirral Chamber, Merseyside Recycling and Waste Disposal Authority, Planet Heswall and Community Action Wirral. The membership of the partnership has evolved over time. 1 IPCC (2018) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5oC 2 Wirral Climate Change Group (2014) Cool, Wirral Climate Change Strategy 2014-2019 3 Nicola Moss &…
… above the pre-industrial period7,8. It also charts a path to ensure we adapt to current and unavoidable climate change. Damage has already been done. Some further impacts are expected from pollution already produced. 5 From an initial vantage point of 2019 6 Green Alliance (2011) Climate science explained 7 In line with global ambitions in the UN Paris Agreement on climate change…
… which came into force in 2016 8 Beyond 1.5oC of unnatural warming even more dangerous climate change will happen. Waking up to the climate crisis Unnatural climate change is happening. We are living through it. There has already been 1oC of abnormal heating1. The damaging impacts are being felt now. We are on a dangerous path and need to change direction. We need to stop the pollution…
… .......................................................................................................... 25 Appendix: Build your own Cool action plan ......................................................................................... 27 Cool 2 – A strategy for Wirral in the face of the global climate emergency 3 FOREWORD The latest scientific evidence1 about climate change paints a worrying picture…
…; Joe Wheeler, Ipsos MORI North, (2017) Residents’ Survey 2017 Cool 2 – A strategy for Wirral in the face of the global climate emergency 4 If you read nothing more… Everyone has a part to play stopping unnatural climate change. Failure to act will have huge costs but doing the right thing will bring many benefits. Cool 2…
… have less than 12 years to act to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. The report highlights a number of climate change impacts that could be avoided by limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to 2°C, or more. It suggests that limiting global warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action across all national governments that signed the Paris Agreement. On 12th June…
… CHARNWOOD CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 2018 – 2030 “Taking action to protect the environment for future generations” Foreword Climate change has been recognised internationally as the most important environmental challenge that we currently face. Scientific consensus…
…. This Climate Change Strategy not only helps the Council meet its statutory environmental duties it also looks to capture the opportunities and benefits of tackling climate change. These include savings on energy bills, encouraging renewable energy in the transition to a low carbon economy, strengthening business competitiveness, enhancing energy security, reducing air pollutants harmful to health…
… action to protect the environment for future generations is a priority the Council recognises in our Corporate Plan. We care about our environment and understand our legal duty to protect it. We will seek to minimise the environmental impacts of our own activities, and work with other partners and stakeholders to protect and enhance our local environment Overview Climate change is a large…
… the government’s aim to take all possible action to mitigate climate change, while adapting to reduce its impact by continuing to cut greenhouse gas emissions and making sure that all policies, programmes and investment decisions take into account the possible extent of climate change this century. The International Panel on climate change published a report in October 2018 which concluded that we…
… ............................................................... 11 4.2 UK progress on tackling climate change ............................................................................... 12 4.3 UK climate impacts to date ................................................................................................... 13 4.4 UK future climate impacts…
…. Climate science, technology innovation, public understanding, sentiment and behaviour changes, the international and national policy environment for climate action, and the scientific evidence on greenhouse gas emissions and climate impacts, are all changing fast. For this reason it is likely to be necessary for this strategy to be thoroughly reviewed during the ten year period, at least…
…, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security, and economic growth are projected to increase with global warming of 1.5°C and increase further with 2°C. The UK has consistently been a global leader in enshrining carbon reduction commitments in law, and the Climate Change Act 2008 now commits the country to reducing net emissions to zero by 2050. The UK has submitted its national…
… reminder of the need to take immediate action on climate change." 4.4 UK future climate impacts The Climate Change Act requires government to produce a periodic climate change risk assessment. The last was 20176 (due for update in 2022) and showed a generally high level of risk in most categories reviewed (Figure 2). In the three years since that assessment, atmospheric CO2 concentration has…
… ....................................................................................................................................... 8 3 About this strategy ........................................................................................................................ 10 4 The imperative for action ............................................................................................................. 11 4.1 International progress on tackling climate change…
… to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. The UK has become the first country in the developed world to put this target into law. There is the need to embed climate changing actions within the Council’s DNA. BFC’s current Corporate Plan covers its commitment to tackling climate change. We all need to understand that we have a part to play and everyone in the Bracknell Forest Council…
… that the Climate Change problem was getting worse. Therefore, in order to avoid the risks of dangerous and irreversible climate change in the future, political rather than scientific action was required. The scientific consensus agrees that the main human influences on global climate are emissions of the key greenhouse gasses: carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The concentration of these gasses…
… 06/11/2020 0.4 Draft Gareth Jones 02/12/2020 0.5 O&S Commission review Kevin Gibbs 16/12/2020 0.6 Corporate Management Team Kevin Gibbs 06/01/2020 0.7 O&S Commission Kevin Gibbs 26/01/2021 1.0 Executive Kevin Gibbs Distribution: Date Version Distribution BFC’s climate change work is published on the Council’s website at: https://www.bracknell…
… area is encouraged to build climate change considerations into their day to day actions and behaviours. Cllr Paul Bettison OBE Leader Bracknell Forest Council Bracknell Forest Council – Climate Change strategy 2020-2024 3 Contents Statement from The Leader of the Council ............................................................ 2 Executive summary…
… and enhancing our environment) ................................................................... 26 Key objectives set in the plan are: .............................................................................. 26 Key performance indicators: ..................................................................................... 26 Strategy development approach – Our path to a new Climate Change…
… that will help us to tackle climate change among the main areas we can influence as a council. Separate action plans for each objective outline how we plan to achieve them. 1. Buildings Retrofit and decarbonise buildings and heating systems. 2. Transport Support decarbonised, safe and sustainable transport. 3. Net zero council Embed climate action across council governance…
… emissions, limiting global warming to safe levels, will be beyond reach4. Instead, the world is currently on track towards a catastrophic average 4°C rise. UK target In 2008, the Climate Change Act was introduced in the UK - the first legally binding climate change mitigation target set by any country. This commits the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, based on 1990…
… .......................................................................................................................................................................... 103 3 Foreword A message from the Leader of the council 4 Foreword Climate change is one of the greatest threats we are face. Our geography in Wyre means we are at particular risk from rising sea levels and more unusual and intense storms. It is vital that we all work together to reduce our carbon emissions in a responsible…
… and sustainable way and prepare ourselves for the increased risks we now facing. As the Leader of Wyre Council, and a father to two young children, tackling climate change is high on my agenda – we need to protect our children’s future. In July 2019, we declared a Climate Emergency and made a unanimous, cross-party commitment to cut our emissions. This strategy outlines how we plan to tackle climate…
… and financial decision-making. 4. Planning Use our planning powers to plan for a low carbon and climate resilient future. 5. Biodiversity Protect and increase biodiversity. 6. Engagement Collaborate, educate and engage with others to take climate action. 7. Waste Reduce waste, support a circular economy and sustainable food production. 8. Adaptation Adapt to our changing…
… Strategy | 2020 - 2040 12 Flooding at Victoria Park in Stafford Town Centre. CC3 Mitigate and adapt to climate change. The most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report states that humankind has 12 years to ensure global warming is limited to a maximum of 1.5°c. Surpassing this threshold would…
… to achieve signifcant change in both. Climate Change and Green Recovery Strategy | 2020 - 2040 3 4 Wild fower garden at Stafford Crematorium 5 Climate Change and Green Recovery Strategy | 2020 - 2040 Introduction This strategy supports and enhances the work that is currently underway within the council to tackle climate change and green recovery…
… in the forthcoming Environmental Bill. Climate change and green recovery will be included in our Corporate Business Plan as an additional business objective to refect the importance of this work. A new Climate Change and Green Recovery Group will be set up to oversee the implementation of the strategy, monitor progress and co-ordinate the workstreams. This group will be responsible for formulating…
… energy production. Stafford Borough Council has a key leadership role in tackling climate change. Being smarter and more proactive about our energy management and the reduction of associated emissions of greenhouse gases has been an important focus for the council over the past few years. Although we cannot reverse the impact that climate change has already had on our borough, we can alter…
… to implement our green recovery objectives Climate Change and Green Recovery Strategy | 2020 - 2040 7 8 The Council’s Honey Bee Project and Solar PV Scheme at Riverway Nursery in Stafford Borough. 9 Climate Change and Green Recovery Strategy | 2020 - 2040 CC1 Reducing emissions from our own activities…
… Change has stated that human activities are estimated to have caused approximately 1.0°C of global warming above pre-industrial levels and we are likely to reach 1.5°C by as early as 2030. Locally, a degree in temperature difference does not cause any significant impacts on the planet and its processes, but globally the impact can be huge. These impacts of climate change have not been spread…
… Framework The impact of our borough on climate Climate Change Action Themes The Climate Challenge we face Our journey to net zero so far Governance, Monitoring & Responsibility Section 1 Section 7 Section 3 Section 6 Section 10 Section 2 Section 5 Section 9 Section 4 Section 8 Section 11 This report was prepared by the Environment Directorate of Wigan Council with support…
… from wider internal services as well as external stakeholders. “PROTECTING OUR FUTURE TOGETHER” Measuring up to the Climate Challenge Section 12 Climate change is a very real and existing threat and is no longer an issue that we can afford to ignore. On 17th July 2019, Wigan Council acknowledged the climate and environmental crisis by declaring a climate emergency and since that time…
… other issues, climate change disproportionately impacts our most vulnerable residents and communities who already struggle with numerous other problems. It is the duty of local authorities to protect the security, welfare and wellbeing of those citizens who depend on us. The young people of Wigan Borough will be significantly impacted by the changing climate we see now, and what is predicted…
… who live, work, visit and invest in our borough, to join us in creating a Wigan Borough that is resilient to the impacts of climate change and work towards a zero carbon, sustainable future for all. 3 FOREWORD COUNCILLOR DAVID MOLYNEUX LEADER, WIGAN COUNCIL 4 SECTION 1 : INTRODUCTION SECTION 1 INTR DUCTION 5 6 The world’s climate is changing drastically…
… an update on progress on tackling climate change in North Ayrshire. Recommendation: That Cabinet: i) Notes the progress made in implementing the Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy 2017- 2020; ii) Agrees the proposed target year of 2030 to achieve net- zero emissions across North Ayrshire; iii) Notes the ongoing “Climate Change: Just Cool It” consultation; and iv) Notes…
… warming, before the impacts of climate change become irreversible. This report has led to global declarations of a Climate Emergency, with governments and leaders being called upon to take action. 1.2 North Ayrshire Council has been proactive in tackling climate change, achieving almost 40% emission reduction since the 2005 baseline year, by consuming less fossil fuels and producing less…
… report-template-general NORTH AYRSHIRE COUNCIL 21 January 2020 Cabinet Title: Climate Change Purpose: To provide…
… the proposal to review the consultation findings to inform the Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy 2020- 2023 which is currently being developed for future Cabinet consideration mid-2020. 1. Executive Summary 1.1 The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report in October 2018 recommending immediate action be taken to reduce global…
… the next Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy (ESCCS) 2020-2023. 1.5 The third ESCCS (2020-2023) is due to be published in Summer 2020, with actions identified to achieve the net-zero emission reduction target. It is proposed that this target be achieved by 2030. It is further proposed that two new workstreams are included in the strategy, to support climate change…
… with the regional climate change partnership Climate East Midlands (CEM). Through the CEM projects Planning to Adapt (2008-11) and Well Adapting East Midlands (2011-12) local authorities throughout the East Midlands focused on embedding adaptation, using NI 188 (the relevant national driver at the time) as guidance. In achieving level 3 of NI 188 Derbyshire County Council produced the following…
…: • Local Climate Impact Profiles (LCLIP) • Comprehensive Climate Change Risk Assessments (CCRA) These studies revealed a range of potential risks to County Council services as a result of climate change, including flooding to buildings and the cost of winter highways maintenance. Building on the LCLIPS and CCRA, the Adaptation Action Plan outlines the actions required and progress already made…
… and Community Safety and Ian Stephenson Strategic Director – Environmental Services Derbyshire County Council Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan Executive Summary Welcome to the Derbyshire County Council Adaptation Action Plan. This document outlines the County Council’s strategy to adapt to future climate change and build resilience within its service delivery…
… of developing a system of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of climate adaptation actions. Following meetings with relevant managers and taking the findings of the Climate Change Risk Assessment4 process into account, this Action Plan has been divided into five sections, as set out below. 1 The Derbyshire Partnership Forum…
… and reducing vulnerability to future unavoidable climate change. It is important to remember that adaptation is not just about reducing the potential threats of climate change but also embracing environmental, social and economic opportunities. Adaptation has significant benefits beyond its primary purpose of increasing resilience to climate change. Many adaptive actions, particuarly adapting…
… - Climate emergency - London and National responses Climate Change There is a global consensus that climate change is happening. In 2015 the first ever universal, legally binding global climate change agreement, known as the 2015 Paris Agreement, was adopted. This sets out a global framework to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit…
… and it is up to us to change it It is melting ice caps and increasing global warming and pollution if it's not tackled, then future generations won't have as good a standard of living as we do. Because if we do not tackle climate change, there might not be a planet for the next generation. This is our future and at the moment nothing is being done. So animals don't go extinct and we all don't die. I…
… 1 Table of contents The Kingston approach to carbon reduction The co-benefits of climate action Development of the plan so far Our next steps Kingston’s Climate Emergency response Adaptation Theme 1…
…: Efficient buildings Theme 2: Efficient Homes Theme 3: How we travel Theme 4: Reducing Waste Theme 5: Green Economy Theme 6: Sustainable Council Theme 7: Natural Environment Measuring and reporting Appendices Appendix A - Our Carbon Baseline methodology Appendix B - Climate emergency - London and National responses Appendix C - Why is it important that we tackle climate change? Kingston Young…
… People’s Voices Appendix D - Glossary of Terms 2 The Kingston approach to carbon reduction In 2018, the Royal Borough of Kingston developed its Environmental Management Plan with the vision ‘Kingston is cleaner, greener, ready for the future’. The aim of the plan is tackling current and future climate change challenges through integration and collaboration. In it, the council sets out how green…
… and projections UC2A Develop understanding of climate risk and vulnerability UC3A Develop (scenarios, storylines, narratives) for future climate change impacts/ vulnerabilities UC4A Mainstreaming of climate change risk assessment UC1B Learn about climate impacts affecting Scotland UC2B Consider how the Council might be affected by climate change UC3B Undertake strategic climate change risk…
… for the public sector on reducing emissions, adapting to climate change and reporting annually on progress. The introduction of a net zero target by 2045 by Scottish Government has required a strengthening of ambition to address climate change across the public sector. 2.2 Key drivers Global ♦ The 2015 Paris Agreement sets a global commitment to limit global warming to 1.5oC…
… targets - adapting to help deliver the national adaptation programme - acting sustainably ♦ The Committee on Climate Change report 2019, Net Zero: the UK Government Committee contribution to stopping global warming, was produced in response to a request to reassess the UK’s long- term emissions targets. It stated net-zero is necessary, to meet UK commitments as a signatory of the Paris…
… and as such, are not included in our corporate reporting boundary. 4. Climate risks 4.1 Climate impacts for the region Adaptation is an adjustment to current climate and weather; as well as to future climate change. Climate change projections* for Aberdeen indicate an increase in the severity and frequency of severe weather. Winter rainfall will increase, with heavier rainfall, increasing the risk of flooding and water…
… work around climate change, local and national Government policies, and international agreements. We look forward to the future and working with public and private sector partner organisations and companies to achieve net zero and tackling climate change together. Jenny Laing, Council Leader Foreword Aberdeen City Council I Council Climate Change Plan 2021 - 2025 3 Climate Change…
… interconnected and have a direct link to climate change. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Global Warming of 1.5ºC Report 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Global Warming of 1.5ºC Report 2018- emphasized the importance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C to avoid a climate crisis. N A TI O N A L Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland…
… with Public Sector Bodies’ climate change duties, to engage leaders and encourage action. In addition, the Council will continue to complete the annual Climate Change Assessment Tool, to facilitate discussion on corporate climate change performance, seeking continuous improvement in this area. Furthermore, the Council will peruse Adaptation Scotland’s Capability Framework, in order to improve…
…. Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy 2021-23 4 | P a g e Figure 1. Sustainability Venn Diagram GLOBAL WARMING Naturally occurring gases in the Earth’s atmosphere allow some of the sun’s radiation to be trapped, warming the Earth’s surface and maintaining a stable environment. This is the Greenhouse Effect and is depicted in Figure 2 below. However, as more…
… for Climate Change (IPCC) has advised that the world has until 2030 to reduce emissions before climate change impacts become irreversible. Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy 2021-23 6 | P a g e North Ayrshire Council acknowledges that rapid and far-reaching actions are required at the international, national, regional and local levels to limit global warming…
… to 2019 recorded by NASA, NOAA, Berkeley Earth, and the Met Office Hadley Centre (UK). (Source: NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming, OUR VISION This document is the third Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy, building on the carbon reduction success of its predecessors. It establishes a new target: to reduce and remove emissions for North…