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Including 10 closely related terms such as climate, climate change, and term climate.

1 result

London Borough of Croydon

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… impacts may incur in the future. Croydon signed the Nottingham Agreement in 2002, formally committing the borough to long-term climate change adaptation. Level 1 of the NI 188 guidance has been achieved through the development of the Croydon Local Climate Impacts Profle. This has identifed impacts from weather related events on service provision in the borough and thus the priority climate change

… and Climate Change Partnership Contents i. Foreword 3 ii. Executive summary 4 1. Croydon’s vision 6 1.1. Background 7 2. Document structure 3. About Croydon 4. Risks posed by long term climate change in Croydon 5. Governance 13 5.1. Where we are now…

… and its translation through Croydon’s Sustainable Community Strategy including tackling climate change, improvements to local environmental quality and adapting to the risks associated with projected climate change. The ECCP recognises that there is a fnancial imperative to take action to adapt to climate change, as the impacts will undoubtedly incur signifcant costs as a result of disruption…

… priority risks and adaptation options. Work on this will begin with a partnership risk workshop in late 2010. In order to drive progress on climate change adaptation in Croydon over the next 3 years a ‘quick wins’ action plan has been developed which sets out the body of work that is currently already underway to support climate change adaptation. This also includes a number of actions that can…

… the next fve years signifcant developments (residential and commercial) are either planned or in the pipeline for Croydon. Croydon benefts from over 120 parks and open spaces and has some of London’s most expensive housing. Large parts of the borough also have inner-city characteristics. Croydon Climate Change Mitigation Action Plan 9 4 Risks posed by long term climate change


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