Including 5 closely related terms such as climate, climate change, and tackling climate.
… and officers of the Council. 1.9 Appendix 3 provides a glossary of terms used throughout the report. 1.10 Hull City Council was one of the first Cities to adopt a climate emergency when it did so in March 2019 and has always been committed to tackling climate change and its consequences as a priority. This is evidenced by the Council being the first to adopt a city-wide Strategic Flood Risk…
…. :- Levelling Up :- Shared Prosperity Fund (Local Delivery Partnership) Updates :- Economic Outlook :- Humber Freeport :- Devolution 10.00 a.m. Monday 20 June b) The Commission welcomes the commitment to providing Carbon Literacy Training, to improve understanding of climate change across the Council, and asks that Members are invited to participate in the process, in order to support…
… 1.1 Climate change is the most significant long term threat facing the city and its residents. 1.2 The city has experienced the impacts of a changed climate through the floods in 2007, tidal surge in 2013 and heatwave in 2022. These have been a result of only a 1.10c increase in global temperatures and current global commitments are projected to deliver a global temperature increase…
… Page 31 of 112 Page 2 of 31 1.5 In addition, a wider set of actions will be consulted on covering carbon reduction, the ecological emergency and climate adaptation developed by the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission2 and agreed by the Yorkshire Leaders (Appendix 2…
…). This is to identify actions that can be taken in Hull to support the Commissions actions. 1.6 The report proposes to undertake further consultation with businesses, residents, partners, and services to support the development of the climate change and ecological emergency action plan and to hold discussion on the challenges faced by the city in delivering the carbon pathways and meeting net zero…