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Search results for "climate change"

Including 4 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and change.

1 result

Bracknell Forest Council

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Climate change strategy action plan updates | Bracknell Forest Council Skip to main content Enter the terms you wish to search for. (Optional…

… and democracy Strategies, plans and policies Climate change Climate change strategy action plan Climate change strategy action plan updates…

Climate change strategy action plan updates Themes Air quality Idling vehicle actions Description Enforcement on idling vehicle engines within the borough. Lead officers Jason Webb…

… of climate change Description Create and enhance more habitats that store carbon and water such as large trees, woodland, meadows and wetlands. Lead officers Marlies Boydell. Indicators linked to monitoring progress Biodiversity Action Plan targets. Baseline measure at the start of the project The Annual Monitoring Review for the Local Plan estimates…

… the area of priority habitat types. Target and measurement There are 13 BAP targets to restore and enhance habitats that would store carbon and water. Quarter 3 update (October to December 2021) The Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) area has increased by 17.7 hectares with the re-designation of Lily Hill Park. In the climate change context, Lily Hill Park has woodland and meadows that provide urban…


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