Including 10 closely related terms such as climate, climate change, and increase climate.
… Annex Bii Climate Change Action Plan ANNEX DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN Introduction The York Climate Change Strategy: A City Fit for the Future sets out City of York Council’s commitment to tackling climate change and the ambition for York to be a net zero and climate resilient city by 2030. This Action Plan has…
… "miles travelled" in their purchasing decisions and buy locally where possible 2 1 Increase climate change communication - Provision of climate change information for residents and city partners through the council website, press releases, social media and monthly e-newsletter 2 2 EN G A G EM EN T Provide climate change information through the council website, press releases…
… ambition 3 1 Explore green financing options for large scale climate change projects (including community bonds and UK Green Investment Bank) 3 1 Divest all investments from fossil fuels, including any pension funds 3 1 Use legal and planning mechanisms such as Section 106 agreements, the Community Infrastructure Levy, and other mechanisms to fund climate actions and nature…
… been produced by City of York Council in consultation with city partners to support delivery of our ambition. It contains an indicative list of 160 potential actions covering the eight priority themes and 31 strategic objectives identified in the Climate Change Strategy. The actions identified are based on the previous work done by Leeds University (Net Zero Roadmap for York), pathway…
… are already delivering against these actions. 58 are in progress – these are tracked as part of the Climate Action Update1 Further work will be required to provide a comprehensive and quantified implementation roadmap that considers all of the actions and levers required to achieve net zero. This work will be undertaken as the plan is put in place. The Action Plan is a live document…