Including 8 closely related terms such as global warming, climate, and climate change.
… is essential to reduce global warming and achieve longer-term carbon removal. For example, trees can remove carbon from the atmosphere, but they take time to grow, so an early start on this forms one of the Council’s 2022 initiatives – The Big Halton Forest. The above four core areas of climate action have been applied to Council activities listed under ‘Key Actions’. A number of the actions specifically…
… and the world and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming in line with limits recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Halton’s Climate Change Emergency Declaration focuses initially on the Council’s activities but our ambition is to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2040. This plan sets out a series of actions across key themes to allow us to work…
… through its climate policies and actions, including maximising the health co-benefits of climate action. Ensure climate action is implemented equitably, through working to reduce rather than exacerbate health and wellbeing inequalities and proportionally targeting areas of greatest need. Develop greater understanding of the public health implications of both climate change and council…
… - with plans and projects having increased the resilience of Halton Council’s operations in the communities and the economy it serves to help minimise the impacts from unavoidable climate change; and Climate just - ensuring that all of Halton and its environment has benefited from this transition. Climate friendly refers to activities, which cut carbon emissions i.e. climate change mitigation. Becoming…
… of Halton needs to benefit from the transition to a decarbonised economy and no sections of the population can be left behind. Themes/Programmes of Work. Underpinning our vision, are four core areas of climate action that will guide the Council: • Cutting emissions / decarbonisation – this is called climate change mitigation; • Adapting to the physical changes of climate change – climate change…