Including 5 closely related terms such as global warming, climate, and climate change.
… this Why have we declared a climate emergency? We have declared a climate emergency based on the scientific evidence. The research shows that the planet is warming up faster than at any other time in the Earth’s history due to greenhouse emissions produced by human activity. The effects of global warming are a threat to us all and we have…
… in developments, and to address other climate change issues. View the Local Plan here – Climate change chapter: p165 – 172 The planning department have also updated the information on protected trees including a map of trees with tree protections orders (TPOs) within Thanet. View TPO’s…
…) christmas information (1) cliffs (1) cliftonville (2) climate change (3) clinical waste (1) cllr ash ashbee (1) coastal erosion (1…
… | Energy and Climate Change The Climate and Biodiversity Emergency Thanet District Council declared a climate emergency on Thursday 11 July 2019. As part of this declaration the Council has resolved to: Do what is within our powers and resources to make Thanet District Council carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account…
… a responsibility to help tackle it while there is still time to make a difference. In October 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report on the impact that a 1.5℃ increase to the average global temperature would have. The IPCC’s report shows that a world that is 1.5℃ warmer would have lower climate-related risks for both people and nature than a world which is 2℃ warmer…