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Search results for "climate change"

Including 5 closely related terms such as climate change, climate, and local climate.

1 result

Test Valley Borough Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… 5 Supporting communities and businesses • We have worked with external organisations to help local businesses access energy audits and secure more than £100,000 in grant funding to deliver low carbon projects • Conducted a survey with town and parish councils on any local climate change and sustainability initiatives they are undertaking • Working…

… 3 Corporate action • A number of recent strategies have taken account of climate change, including the Covid-19 Recovery Strategy, Green Spaces Strategy, and Interim Economic Development Strategy • Ensuring the annual plan prepared for each Council Service (department) includes consideration of climate change Property and energy • Lower energy-consuming lighting has been installed…

Climate Emergency Action Plan Test Valley Borough Council 2021 Update 2 Introduction The Council declared a climate emergency in September 2019 and committed to ‘investigate clear and effective options to become a carbon neutral organisation’. In June 2020 we approved our Climate Emergency Action Plan, recognising that it would…

… need to be kept under review to reflect changing circumstances and opportunities. This document provides an update on what has happened since the Action Plan was approved. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee gets formal updates every 6 months and the papers are available on the Council’s website. Council’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions The Climate Emergency Action Plan set out our approach…

… of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e)…


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