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Search results for "climate change"

Including 10 closely related terms such as changing, climate, and climate change.

1 result

Herefordshire Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… strategies, plans and future decisions. • This checklist will help assess and increase the contribution of policies, strategies and decisions by reducing emissions and increasing resilience to climate change. • Work with networks of major partners to develop a joint countywide strategy to meet carbon neutral by 2030. d) The council will continue to monitor and publish reports on its performance…

… on carbon reduction annually and will include future reporting on countywide emissions, which is also monitored annually. These will be published on the Council’s new Climate and Ecological Emergency webpages. e) A members briefing session on climate change was held on 16 July and a full day interactive workshop was held on the 21 October 2019. This was the start of an ongoing process of engagement…

… emissions and increasing resilience to climate changeWork with networks of major partners to develop a joint countywide strategy to meet net zero carbon by 2030. This task and finish group will make recommendations to the general scrutiny committee to ensure all strategies, plans and decision going forward properly consider their contribution to the 2030 carbon neutral target. These changes…

… in its Local Climate Impacts Profile (LCIP), 2009, which stated: “The number of significant weather events is predicted to increase over the next ten years as a result of climate change and Herefordshire Council and the County as a whole needs to develop an increased level of adaptation strategies for events such as flash flooding.” We will be following the National Adaptation Programme (NAP…

…) action priorities of: • Raising awareness of the need for climate change adaptation. • Increasing resilience to current climate extremes. • Taking timely action for long-lead time measures. • Integrating climate change considerations across our service areas addressing increased risks. • Leading the countywide approach to adapting to a changing climate and the associated impacts for Herefordshire…


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